Why the OpenMP SIMD directive reduces performance?

2019-03-31 22:46发布


I am learning how to use SIMD directives with OpenMP/Fortran. I wrote the simple code:

program loop
      implicit none
      integer      :: i,j
      real*8       :: x

      x = 0.0

      do i=1,10000
           do j=1,10000000
                x = x + 1.0/(1.0*i)

      print*, x

end program loop

when I compile this code and run it I get:

ifort -O3 -vec-report3 -xhost loop_simd.f90 
loop_simd.f90(10): (col. 12) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED
loop_simd.f90(9): (col. 7) remark: loop was not vectorized: not inner loop

time ./a.out 

real    0m8.940s
user    0m8.937s
sys 0m0.005s

I did what the compiler suggested about the "not inner loop" and added a SIMD collapse(2) directive:

program loop
      implicit none
      integer      :: i,j
      real*8       :: x

      x = 0.0

!$omp simd collapse(2) reduction(+:x)
      do i=1,10000
           do j=1,10000000
                x = x + 1.0/(1.0*i)

      print*, x

end program loop

then I compiled and run the code again and I got the following output:

ifort -O3 -vec-report3 -openmp -xhost loop_simd.f90 
loop_simd.f90(8): (col. 7) remark: OpenMP SIMD LOOP WAS VECTORIZED

time ./a.out 

real    0m26.535s
user    0m26.540s
sys 0m0.003s

What I don't know is why the performance decreases with SIMD? And when SIMD will be better than standard Fortran code?

    .section .text
# mark_description "Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler XE for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 2";
# mark_description "0140120";
# mark_description "-O3 -vec-report3 -openmp -xhost -S";
    .file "loop_simd.f90"
# -- Begin  MAIN__
# mark_begin;
       .align    16,0x90
    .globl MAIN__
..B1.1:                         # Preds ..B1.0
..___tag_value_MAIN__.1:                                        #1.9
  .file   1 "loop_simd.f90"
   .loc    1  1  is_stmt 1
        pushq     %rbp                                          #1.9
..___tag_value_MAIN__.3:                                        #
        movq      %rsp, %rbp                                    #1.9
..___tag_value_MAIN__.4:                                        #
        andq      $-128, %rsp                                   #1.9
        subq      $128, %rsp                                    #1.9
        movq      $0x0000117fe, %rsi                            #1.9
        movl      $3, %edi                                      #1.9
        call      __intel_new_feature_proc_init                 #1.9
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
..B1.12:                        # Preds ..B1.1
        vstmxcsr  (%rsp)                                        #1.9
        movl      $.2.3_2_kmpc_loc_struct_pack.1, %edi          #1.9
        xorl      %esi, %esi                                    #1.9
        orl       $32832, (%rsp)                                #1.9
        xorl      %eax, %eax                                    #1.9
        vldmxcsr  (%rsp)                                        #1.9
..___tag_value_MAIN__.6:                                        #1.9
        call      __kmpc_begin                                  #1.9
..___tag_value_MAIN__.7:                                        #
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
..B1.2:                         # Preds ..B1.12
        movl      $__NLITPACK_0.0.1, %edi                       #1.9
        call      for_set_reentrancy                            #1.9
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
..B1.3:                         # Preds ..B1.2
   .loc    1  8  is_stmt 1
        movl      $4, %eax                                      #8.7
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
        vxorpd    %ymm2, %ymm2, %ymm2                           #6.7
   .loc    1  8  is_stmt 1
        vmovd     %eax, %xmm0                                   #8.7
        xorl      %eax, %eax                                    #8.7
        vpshufd   $0, %xmm0, %xmm1                              #8.7
        vmovdqu   .L_2il0floatpacket.19(%rip), %xmm0            #8.7
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax xmm0 xmm1 ymm2
..B1.4:                         # Preds ..B1.6 ..B1.3
   .loc    1  11  is_stmt 1
        vcvtdq2ps %xmm0, %xmm3                                  #11.34
        vrcpps    %xmm3, %xmm5                                  #11.28
        vmulps    %xmm3, %xmm5, %xmm4                           #11.28
        vaddps    %xmm5, %xmm5, %xmm6                           #11.28
        vmulps    %xmm5, %xmm4, %xmm7                           #11.28
   .loc    1  10  is_stmt 1
        xorl      %edx, %edx                                    #10.12
   .loc    1  11  is_stmt 1
        vsubps    %xmm7, %xmm6, %xmm8                           #11.28
        vcvtps2pd %xmm8, %ymm3                                  #11.28
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx xmm0 xmm1 ymm2 ymm3
..B1.5:                         # Preds ..B1.5 ..B1.4
   .loc    1  10  is_stmt 1
        incl      %edx                                          #10.12
   .loc    1  11  is_stmt 1
        vaddpd    %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm2                           #11.17
   .loc    1  10  is_stmt 1
        cmpl      $10000000, %edx                               #10.12
        jb        ..B1.5        # Prob 99%                      #10.12
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx xmm0 xmm1 ymm2 ymm3
..B1.6:                         # Preds ..B1.5
   .loc    1  8  is_stmt 1
        addl      $4, %eax                                      #8.7
   .loc    1  10  is_stmt 1
        vpaddd    %xmm1, %xmm0, %xmm0                           #10.12
   .loc    1  8  is_stmt 1
        cmpl      $10000, %eax                                  #8.7
        jb        ..B1.4        # Prob 66%                      #8.7
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax xmm0 xmm1 ymm2
..B1.7:                         # Preds ..B1.6
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
   .loc    1  15  is_stmt 1
        lea       (%rsp), %rdi                                  #15.7
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
        vextractf128 $1, %ymm2, %xmm0                           #6.7
   .loc    1  15  is_stmt 1
        movl      $-1, %esi                                     #15.7
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
        vaddpd    %xmm0, %xmm2, %xmm1                           #6.7
        vunpckhpd %xmm1, %xmm1, %xmm3                           #6.7
   .loc    1  15  is_stmt 1
        lea       64(%rsp), %r8                                 #15.7
        movq      $0x1208384ff00, %rdx                          #15.7
        movl      $__STRLITPACK_0.0.1, %ecx                     #15.7
        xorl      %eax, %eax                                    #15.7
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
        vaddsd    %xmm3, %xmm1, %xmm4                           #6.7
   .loc    1  15  is_stmt 1
        vmovsd    %xmm4, 64(%rsp)                               #15.7
        movq      $0, (%rsp)                                    #15.7
        vzeroupper                                              #15.7
        call      for_write_seq_lis                             #15.7
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
..B1.8:                         # Preds ..B1.7
   .loc    1  18  is_stmt 1
        movl      $.2.3_2_kmpc_loc_struct_pack.12, %edi         #18.1
        xorl      %eax, %eax                                    #18.1
..___tag_value_MAIN__.8:                                        #18.1
        call      __kmpc_end                                    #18.1
..___tag_value_MAIN__.9:                                        #
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
..B1.9:                         # Preds ..B1.8
        movl      $1, %eax                                      #18.1
        movq      %rbp, %rsp                                    #18.1
        popq      %rbp                                          #18.1
..___tag_value_MAIN__.10:                                       #
        ret                                                     #18.1
        .align    16,0x90
..___tag_value_MAIN__.12:                                       #
                                # LOE
# mark_end;
    .type   MAIN__,@function
    .size   MAIN__,.-MAIN__
    .align 4
    .align 4
    .long   0
    .long   2
    .long   0
    .long   0
    .quad   .2.3_2__kmpc_loc_pack.0
    .align 4
    .byte   59
    .byte   117
    .byte   110
    .byte   107
    .byte   110
    .byte   111
    .byte   119
    .byte   110
    .byte   59
    .byte   77
    .byte   65
    .byte   73
    .byte   78
    .byte   95
    .byte   95
    .byte   59
    .byte   49
    .byte   59
    .byte   49
    .byte   59
    .byte   59
    .space 3, 0x00  # pad
    .align 4
    .long   0
    .long   2
    .long   0
    .long   0
    .quad   .2.3_2__kmpc_loc_pack.11
    .align 4
    .byte   59
    .byte   117
    .byte   110
    .byte   107
    .byte   110
    .byte   111
    .byte   119
    .byte   110
    .byte   59
    .byte   77
    .byte   65
    .byte   73
    .byte   78
    .byte   95
    .byte   95
    .byte   59
    .byte   49
    .byte   56
    .byte   59
    .byte   49
    .byte   56
    .byte   59
    .byte   59
    .section .rodata, "a"
    .align 16
    .align 8
    .long   0x00000002,0x00000000
    .align 4
    .byte   48
    .byte   1
    .byte   1
    .byte   0
    .byte   0
# -- End  MAIN__
    .section .rodata, "a"
    .space 3, 0x00  # pad
    .align 16
    .long   0x00000001,0x00000002,0x00000003,0x00000004
    .type   .L_2il0floatpacket.19,@object
    .size   .L_2il0floatpacket.19,16
    .align 16
    .long   0x3f800000,0x3f800000,0x3f800000,0x3f800000
    .type   .L_2il0floatpacket.20,@object
    .size   .L_2il0floatpacket.20,16
    .section .note.GNU-stack, ""
# End

ASM output for the non-openmp code

    .section .text
# mark_description "Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler XE for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 2";
# mark_description "0140120";
# mark_description "-O3 -vec-report3 -xhost -S";
    .file "loop_simd.f90"
# -- Begin  MAIN__
# mark_begin;
       .align    16,0x90
    .globl MAIN__
..B1.1:                         # Preds ..B1.0
..___tag_value_MAIN__.1:                                        #1.9
  .file   1 "loop_simd.f90"
   .loc    1  1  is_stmt 1
        pushq     %rbp                                          #1.9
..___tag_value_MAIN__.3:                                        #
        movq      %rsp, %rbp                                    #1.9
..___tag_value_MAIN__.4:                                        #
        andq      $-128, %rsp                                   #1.9
        subq      $128, %rsp                                    #1.9
        movq      $0x0000117fe, %rsi                            #1.9
        movl      $3, %edi                                      #1.9
        call      __intel_new_feature_proc_init                 #1.9
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
..B1.10:                        # Preds ..B1.1
        vstmxcsr  (%rsp)                                        #1.9
        movl      $__NLITPACK_0.0.1, %edi                       #1.9
        orl       $32832, (%rsp)                                #1.9
        vldmxcsr  (%rsp)                                        #1.9
        call      for_set_reentrancy                            #1.9
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
..B1.2:                         # Preds ..B1.10
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
   .loc    1  11  is_stmt 1
        vmovss    .L_2il0floatpacket.0(%rip), %xmm6             #11.28
   .loc    1  9  is_stmt 1
        xorl      %eax, %eax                                    #9.7
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
        vxorpd    %ymm8, %ymm8, %ymm8                           #6.7
        vmovapd   %ymm8, %ymm7                                  #6.7
        vmovapd   %ymm8, %ymm0                                  #6.7
        vmovapd   %ymm8, %ymm1                                  #6.7
        vmovapd   %ymm8, %ymm2                                  #6.7
        vmovapd   %ymm8, %ymm3                                  #6.7
        vmovapd   %ymm8, %ymm4                                  #6.7
        vmovapd   %ymm8, %ymm5                                  #6.7
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax xmm6 ymm0 ymm1 ymm2 ymm3 ymm4 ymm5 ymm7 ymm8
..B1.3:                         # Preds ..B1.5 ..B1.2
        incl      %eax                                          #
   .loc    1  11  is_stmt 1
        vxorps    %xmm9, %xmm9, %xmm9                           #11.28
        vcvtsi2ss %eax, %xmm9, %xmm9                            #11.28
        vdivss    %xmm9, %xmm6, %xmm10                          #11.28
        vcvtss2sd %xmm10, %xmm10, %xmm10                        #11.28
        vmovddup  %xmm10, %xmm11                                #11.28
   .loc    1  10  is_stmt 1
        xorl      %edx, %edx                                    #10.12
   .loc    1  11  is_stmt 1
        vinsertf128 $1, %xmm11, %ymm11, %ymm9                   #11.28
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx xmm6 ymm0 ymm1 ymm2 ymm3 ymm4 ymm5 ymm7 ymm8 ymm9
..B1.4:                         # Preds ..B1.4 ..B1.3
   .loc    1  10  is_stmt 1
        addl      $32, %edx                                     #10.12
   .loc    1  11  is_stmt 1
        vaddpd    %ymm9, %ymm8, %ymm8                           #11.17
        vaddpd    %ymm7, %ymm9, %ymm7                           #11.17
        vaddpd    %ymm0, %ymm9, %ymm0                           #11.17
        vaddpd    %ymm1, %ymm9, %ymm1                           #11.17
        vaddpd    %ymm2, %ymm9, %ymm2                           #11.17
        vaddpd    %ymm3, %ymm9, %ymm3                           #11.17
        vaddpd    %ymm4, %ymm9, %ymm4                           #11.17
        vaddpd    %ymm5, %ymm9, %ymm5                           #11.17
   .loc    1  10  is_stmt 1
        cmpl      $10000000, %edx                               #10.12
        jb        ..B1.4        # Prob 99%                      #10.12
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx xmm6 ymm0 ymm1 ymm2 ymm3 ymm4 ymm5 ymm7 ymm8 ymm9
..B1.5:                         # Preds ..B1.4
   .loc    1  9  is_stmt 1
        cmpl      $10000, %eax                                  #9.7
        jb        ..B1.3        # Prob 66%                      #9.7
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax xmm6 ymm0 ymm1 ymm2 ymm3 ymm4 ymm5 ymm7 ymm8
..B1.6:                         # Preds ..B1.5
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
        vaddpd    %ymm7, %ymm8, %ymm6                           #6.7
   .loc    1  15  is_stmt 1
        lea       (%rsp), %rdi                                  #15.7
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
        vaddpd    %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0                           #6.7
        vaddpd    %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm1                           #6.7
        vaddpd    %ymm5, %ymm4, %ymm2                           #6.7
        vaddpd    %ymm0, %ymm6, %ymm3                           #6.7
        vaddpd    %ymm2, %ymm1, %ymm4                           #6.7
        vaddpd    %ymm4, %ymm3, %ymm5                           #6.7
   .loc    1  15  is_stmt 1
        movl      $-1, %esi                                     #15.7
        movq      $0x1208384ff00, %rdx                          #15.7
        movl      $__STRLITPACK_0.0.1, %ecx                     #15.7
        xorl      %eax, %eax                                    #15.7
        lea       64(%rsp), %r8                                 #15.7
        movq      $0, (%rsp)                                    #15.7
   .loc    1  6  is_stmt 1
        vextractf128 $1, %ymm5, %xmm7                           #6.7
        vaddpd    %xmm7, %xmm5, %xmm8                           #6.7
        vunpckhpd %xmm8, %xmm8, %xmm9                           #6.7
        vaddsd    %xmm9, %xmm8, %xmm10                          #6.7
   .loc    1  15  is_stmt 1
        vmovsd    %xmm10, 64(%rsp)                              #15.7
        vzeroupper                                              #15.7
        call      for_write_seq_lis                             #15.7
                                # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15
..B1.7:                         # Preds ..B1.6
   .loc    1  18  is_stmt 1
        movl      $1, %eax                                      #18.1
        movq      %rbp, %rsp                                    #18.1
        popq      %rbp                                          #18.1
..___tag_value_MAIN__.6:                                        #
        ret                                                     #18.1
        .align    16,0x90
..___tag_value_MAIN__.8:                                        #
                                # LOE
# mark_end;
    .type   MAIN__,@function
    .size   MAIN__,.-MAIN__
    .section .rodata, "a"
    .align 8
    .align 8
    .long   0x00000000,0x00000000
    .align 4
    .byte   48
    .byte   1
    .byte   1
    .byte   0
    .byte   0
# -- End  MAIN__
    .section .rodata, "a"
    .space 3, 0x00  # pad
    .align 4
    .long   0x3f800000
    .type   .L_2il0floatpacket.0,@object
    .size   .L_2il0floatpacket.0,4
    .section .note.GNU-stack, ""
# End


With OpenMP, Ifort is using SIMD to vectorize the outer loop (over i), so essentially all the time is spent doing

## set up ymm3 with 4 copies of 1.0/(1.0*i),
# and j = %edx = 0
..B1.5:                              do {
    incl      %edx                   #   j++
    vaddpd    %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm2    # ymm3 + ymm2  =>  ymm2
    cmpl      $10000000, %edx        } while(j<10000000);
    jb        ..B1.5        # Prob 99%

10M iterations of vaddpd will completely dominate the cost of everything outside the loop, so all that matters is that this inner-loop is executed 10k / 4 times. (note the add $4, %eax / cmp $10000, %eax / jb, with a branch target back to before the inner loop.)

Since it's only using a single accumulator, throughput is limited by the loop-carried dependency (3 cycles).

Without OpenMP:

It's still doing the full amount of work, not optimizing away any of the loops.

It auto-vectorizes like with #pragma openmp, but using multiple accumulators for increased parallelism. Multiple add instructions can be in-flight at once, instead of having each one depend on the previous.

The setup for the inner loop is very similar, and then the inner loop is:

## set up ymm3 with 4 copies of 1.0/(1.0*i),
    addl      $32, %edx                                     #10.12
    vaddpd    %ymm9, %ymm8, %ymm8       # ymm8 + ymm9  =>  ymm8
    vaddpd    %ymm7, %ymm9, %ymm7       # ymm7 + ymm9  =>  ymm7
    vaddpd    %ymm0, %ymm9, %ymm0       # ymm0 + ymm9  =>  ymm0
    vaddpd    %ymm1, %ymm9, %ymm1       # ...
    vaddpd    %ymm2, %ymm9, %ymm2
    vaddpd    %ymm3, %ymm9, %ymm3
    vaddpd    %ymm4, %ymm9, %ymm4
    vaddpd    %ymm5, %ymm9, %ymm5
    cmpl      $10000000, %edx
    jb        ..B1.4        # Prob 99%

    # then combine the 8 vector accumulators down to one, and horizontal sum that.

8 accumulators could keep 8 vaddpds in flight at once, but the latency is only 3 cycles on Intel SnB/IvB (See Agner Fog's insn tables). You didn't say what microarchitecture you're using, but I could infer Sandybridge/Ivybridge from the fact that -xhost uses AVX1 but not AVX2. (broadcast with vmovddup / vinsertf128, rather than AVX2 vbroadcastsd %xmm9, %ymm9)

This perfectly explains the 3x speed ratio: 26.535 / 8.940 = 2.97 ~= 3. (vaddpd has a throughput of one per clock on pre-Skylake Intel CPUs, latency=3. This version is limited by throughput rather than latency, because of the increased instruction-level parallelism).

Unrolling with this many accumulators will help for Skylake, where FP add has 4 cycle latency and two per cycle throughput. (SKL dropped the lower-latency dedicated vector FP add unit from port 1, and runs it in the improved 4c-latency FMA units on ports 0 and 1.)


You may be better off using SIMD for the inner loop only. Then You can use !$OMP parallel on the outer loop. As the I is related to the outer loop, you could/should probably also reverse the outer and inner loops. If you allocated another variable for the 1.0/(1.0*i) , then perhaps that could be vectorised. Then the reduction assumes that the new variable is a vector that is in the heap, and not a value that is private in OMP.

These things usually take a bit to work out...


SIMD instructions are intended to improve the performance of code that operates on vectors or arrays. Your sample code only operates on a scalar variable, it is therefore unsurprising that forcing vectorization does not improve performance!