My question is similar to: How can I display the output of a Opscode Chef bash command in my console?
I want to be able to see console output for my running recipe. In particular, my recipe failed to start JBoss because JAVA_HOME
was not being set. It took me an entire day to figure this out because the statement JAVA_HOME is undefined
was not being printed to the Chef output. When running chef solo, debugging output can be turned on by appending -l debug
to the command, as in: chef-solo -c solo.rb -j node.json -l debug
However, when using Amazon OpsWorks, there is no such option:
sudo opsworks-agent-cli run_command [activity] [date] [/path/to/valid/json.file]
How can I add a log level to run_command
Try running:
cd /opt/aws/opsworks/current
bundle exec chef-solo -l debug -c conf/solo.rb -j /var/lib/aws/opsworks/chef/XXX.json
Each Chef run produces a log, which provides a detailed description of the run and is a valuable troubleshooting resource. To specify the amount of detail in the log, add a Chef::Log.level statement to a custom recipe that specifies the desired log level. The default value is :info. The following example shows how to set the Chef log level to :debug, which provides the most detailed description of the run.
Chef::Log.level = :debug
In your recipe, add the following
require 'chef/log'
Chef::Log.level = :debug
You can also control the log using the custom_json property in stack setting.
The above turns on debug for chef and opsworks, but does not yet show the output of the commands you might run using bash or other script.