How can BottomSheetBehavior, AppBarLayout.Scrollin

2019-03-31 19:55发布


In the GIF below you'll see I'm having trouble coordinating (heh) an AppBarLayout, containing a CollapsingToolbarLayout, and a Persistent BottomSheet in such a way that they play nicely together

Goal: Have the fragment contents, seen above in turquoise (#26999f), remain above, yet scroll behind, the BottomSheet, seen above in dark green (#12783e), while also respecting the AppBarLayout and its Behavior

Again, as you can see from the GIF I'm close; the fragment contents is using a custom layout_behavior, MyScrollingViewBehavior, which extends AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior

In the code snippet below you'll see MyScrollingViewBehavior#layoutDependsOn returns true if the dependency is an instance of either a RelativeLayout (The BottomSheet in this example) or whatever super (AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior#layoutDependsOn) is depentent on

public boolean layoutDependsOn(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
    return dependency instanceof RelativeLayout ||
            super.layoutDependsOn(parent, child, dependency);

Within MyScrollingViewBehavior#onDependentViewChanged if the dependency is an instance of a RelativeLayout, meaning the dependency is the BottomSheet, the child, aka fragment contents, is moved up or down using offsetTopAndBottom to ensure it remains above the BottomSheet

public boolean onDependentViewChanged(CoordinatorLayout parent, View child, View dependency) {
    if (dependency instanceof RelativeLayout) {
        RelativeLayout bottomSheet = (RelativeLayout) parent.findViewById(;
        int bottomSheetHeight = (bottomSheet.getTop() - child.getBottom());
        ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, bottomSheetHeight);
    super.onDependentViewChanged(parent, child, dependency);
    return false;

The full code sample can be found on Github here. Additionally, this question is a followup and hopeful improvement to my original question here