knockout.js with nested foreach loop

2019-03-31 19:00发布


I am working with knockout.js 2.0 and when i do a nested foreach loop the performance is extremely slow. The main loop has about 70 records being returned and the array inside those 70 json records contain anywhere from 0 - 20 items. So i feel this is not alot of json data.

I am just testing with the below code:

        <tbody data-bind="foreach: Employees, visible: Employees().length > 0">  
                <td class="centerdata" data-bind="text: ID"></td>
                <td class="centerdata" data-bind="text: Name"></td>
                       <tbody data-bind="foreach: $data.Transactions">  
                              <td data-bind="text:TransDate"></td>

The page takes about 20 seconds to load. There are other fields inside the json, but I have removed them for simplicity.

Thanks, Matt


I think there must be something else going on here, Matthew.

I have knocked up a quick fiddle, using your markup with some dummy data of a similar size to what you mention and the performance is ~1 second in Chrome.

Is there a dependent observable that is being repeatedly calculated? If so, take a look at the throttle functionality (