I have a table with column Id and JSON column.
101 | {"person_id":456,"f_name":"t", "l_name":"Jack"}
102 | {"person_id":123,"f_name":"M", "l_name":"Ron"}
103 | {"person_id":789,"f_name":"A", "l_name":"Tom"}
I am able to create GSI(Global Secondary Index) on column Id , but I would like to know how to create GSI on person_id
and f_name
. Is it possible to create GSI for json attributes? As upon observation, I was able to create GSI on columns in tables of Dynamo DB..Please provide a C#.Net example..
Taken from http://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/faqs/
Q: Is querying JSON data in DynamoDB any different?
No. You can create a Global Secondary Index or Local Secondary Index
on any top-level JSON element. For example, suppose you stored a JSON
document that contained the following information about a person:
First Name, Last Name, Zip Code, and a list of all of their friends.
First Name, Last Name and Zip code would be top-level JSON elements.
You could create an index to let you query based on First Name, Last
Name, or Zip Code. The list of friends is not a top-level element,
therefore you cannot index the list of friends. For more information
on Global Secondary Indexing and its query capabilities, see the
Secondary Indexes section in this FAQ.
Q: If I have nested JSON data in DynamoDB, can I retrieve only a
specific element of that data?
Yes. When using the GetItem, BatchGetItem, Query, or Scan APIs, you
can define a ProjectionExpression to determine which attributes should
be retrieved from the table. Those attributes can include scalars,
sets, or elements of a JSON document.
Although I haven't managed to do it, or seen any examples of it being done with cloud formation.
You can create a GSI or LSI on any top-level JSON element. So you have to bring the json element to column level and then create the index.