I do two MapReduce job, and I want for the second job to be able to write my result into two different files, in two different directories. I would like something similar to FileInputFormat.addInputPath(.., multiple input path) in a sense, but for the output.
I'm completely new to MapReduce, and I have a specificity to write my code in Hadoop 0.21.0
I use context.write(..)
in my Reduce step, but I don't see how to control multiple output paths...
Thanks for your time !
My reduceCode from my first job, to show you I only know how to output (it goes into a /../part* file. But now what I would like is to be able to specify two precises files for different output, depending on the key) :
public static class NormalizeReducer extends Reducer<LongWritable, NetflixRating, LongWritable, NetflixUser> {
public void reduce(LongWritable key, Iterable<NetflixRating> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
NetflixUser user = new NetflixUser(key.get());
for(NetflixRating r : values) {
user.addRating(new NetflixRating(r));
context.write(key, user);
EDIT: so I did the method in the last comment as you mentioned, Amar. I don't know if it's works, I have other problem with my HDFS, but before I forget let's put here my discoveries for the sake of civilization :
- MultipleOutputs DOES NOT act in place of FormatOutputFormat. You define one output path with FormatOutputFormat, and then you can add many more with multiple MultipleOutputs.
- addNamedOutput method: String namedOutput is just a word who describe.
- You define the path actually in the write method, the String baseOutputPath arg.