I have been working on an Arduino/Raspberry Pi project where I have found myself learning not just Python but Twisted Python as well; so I apologize in advance for my newbness. I am trying to keep it simple for now and just trying to send a char at any one time between the two devices.
So far I am able to send from the Raspberry Pi to the Arduino and effectively turn its LED off/on just as expected. However I cannot seem to generate Twisted code which will detect anything coming from the Arduino to the RPi on the serial port. I verified that the Arduino is sending chars every 2 seconds with a serial monitor application in the Arduino programmer running on the RPi.
The code below runs on the RPi, receives a GET request and passes some of that data through the serial port to the Arduino. I cannot seem to get this code to listen to that same serial port though. :/ I have been working on this for a bit over a month and seem to be stuck. I just cannot seem to find a good example for Twisted Python online to receive serial data; or at least an example that I understand. Anyway here is what I have so far:
import sys
from urlparse import urlparse
from twisted.web import server, resource
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
from twisted.internet.serialport import SerialPort
serServ = None
class USBclient(Protocol):
def connectionMade(self):
global serServ
serServ = self
print 'Arduino device: ', serServ, ' is connected.'
def cmdReceived(self, cmd):
print cmd, ' - sent to Arduino.'
def serialReadEvent(self): #maybe it should be: doRead()? Couldn't get either to work.
print 'data from arduino is at the serial port!'
class HTTPserver(resource.Resource):
isLeaf = True
def render_GET(self, request): #passes the data from the get request
print 'HTTP request received'
myArduino = USBclient()
stringit = str(request)
parse = stringit.split()
command, path, version = parse
class cmdTransport(Protocol):
def __init__(self, factory):
self.factory = factory
class cmdTransportFactory(Factory):
protocol = cmdTransport
if __name__ == '__main__':
HTTPsetup = server.Site(HTTPserver())
reactor.listenTCP(5000, HTTPsetup)
SerialPort(USBclient(), '/dev/ttyACM0', reactor, baudrate='115200')
As you can see the code is just looking for anything on the serial port but I can't seem to make that magic happen. Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated!