I am trying to plot a bunch of ROC areas for different datasets and different algorithms.
I have three variables: "Scheme" which specifies the algorithm used, "Dataset" is the dataseet that the algorithm is being tested on, and "Area_under_ROC".
I am using the lattice library in R, with the following command:
dotplot(Scheme ~ Area_under_ROC | Dataset, data = simulationSummary, layout = c(4,6))
and this is what I get:
dotplot of Scheme vs. Area_under_ROC conditioned on Dataset
What I'd like to know is
- How can make the labels on the y-axis readable? Right now, they're all squeezed together.
- How can I re-arrange the panel in such a way that the datasets marked with "100" form the last column, but the other columns stay the same?
I'd very much appreciate any comments or pointers.
Many Thanks!
Some ideas:
- Use a smaller font size for y-axis labels, e.g.
. An alternative would be to preserve uniform font size, but separate your output on several pages (this can be controlled with layout=
), or, probably better, to show all data from the same dataset (A to F, hence 4 points for each algorithm) or by sample size (10 to 100, hence 6 points for each algorithm) with a group=
option. I would personally create two factors, sample.size
and dataset.type
for that.
Relevel your factor Dataset
, so that the dataset you are interested appear where layout
will put them, or (better!) use index.cond
to specify a particular arrangement for your 24 panels. E.g.,
dfrm <- data.frame(algo=gl(11, 1, 11*24, labels=paste("algo", 1:11, sep="")),
type=gl(24, 11, 11*24, labels=paste("type", 1:24, sep="")),
p <- dotplot(algo ~ roc | type, dfrm, layout=c(4,6), scale=list(y=list(cex=.4)))
will arrange panels in sequential order, from bottom left to top right (type1
in bottom left panel, type24
in top right panel), while
update(p, index.cond=list(24:1))
will arrange panels in the reverse order. Just specify a list
with expected panel locations.
Here is an example of what I have in mind with Point 1 and the use of two factors instead of one. Let us generate another artificial dataset:
dfrm <- data.frame(algo=gl(11, 1, 11*24, labels=paste("algo", 1:11, sep="")),
dataset=gl(6, 11, 11*24, labels=LETTERS[1:6]),
ssize=gl(4, 11*6, 11*24, labels=c(10,25,50,100)),
xtabs(~ dataset + ssize, dfrm) # to check allocation of factor levels
dotplot(algo ~ roc | dataset, data=dfrm, group=ssize, type="l",
auto.key=list(space="top", column=4, cex=.8, title="Sample size",
cex.title=1, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE))
Additionally to chl answer after splitting Dataset
type to Type and Size you could use useOuterStrips
function from latticeExtra package.
To get more space for labels you could "transpose" plot.
# prepare data:
simulationSummary$Dataset_type <- substr(simulationSummary$Dataset, 1, 5)
simulationSummary$Dataset_size <- substr(simulationSummary$Dataset, 6, 10)
# to gets proper order force factor levels:
simulationSummary$Dataset_size <- factor(simulationSummary$Dataset_size,
levels = c("10", "25", "50", "100"))
Scheme ~ Area_under_ROC | Dataset_type*Dataset_size,
data = simulationSummary,
layout = c(4,6)
Or use vertical dotplot:
Area_under_ROC ~ Scheme | Dataset_size*Dataset_type,
data = simulationSummary, horizontal=FALSE,
layout = c(4,6), scales=list(x=list(rot=90))