I'm using Jasmine to test my angular application and want to spy on an anonymous function. Using angular-notify service https://github.com/cgross/angular-notify, I want to know whether notify function have been called or not.
Here is my controller:
angular.module('module').controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, MyService, notify) {
$scope.isValid = function(obj) {
if (!MyService.isNameValid(obj.name)) {
notify({ message:'Name not valid', classes: ['alert'] });
return false;
And here is my test:
'use strict';
describe('Test MyCtrl', function () {
var scope, $location, createController, controller, notify;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, _$location_, _notify_) {
$location = _$location_;
scope = $rootScope.$new();
notify = _notify_;
notify = jasmine.createSpy('spy').andReturn('test');
createController = function() {
return $controller('MyCtrl', {
'$scope': scope
it('should call notify', function() {
controller = createController();
An obviously return :
Error: No method name supplied on 'spyOn(notify)'
Because it should be something like spyOn(notify, 'method'), but as it's an anonymous function, it doesn't have any method.
Thanks for your help.