EDIT: You can use unsafe code... you just have to manually edit the proj file.
Why or why does C# on WP8 not support unsafe code when I can use native C++ code on the phone(I did not expect this)? I mean rly come on, I am so disappointed with what Microsoft is trying to force C# into.
Is there any MS plans to support this in the future on WP8? I pass shader constants from C# to C++ and use unsafe code to optimize this process but on WP8 i'm going to be forced into doing this in some slow fashion on a WAY slower device compared to a PCs and it makes this very frustrating.
As an example to pass a vector4 to C++ I would do:
public unsafe void Set(Vector4 value)
com.Set((int)&value, sizeof(Vector4));
Then in C++:
void ShaderVariableCom::Set(__int32 data, int size)
void* ptr = (void*)data;
if (vertexOffset != -1) memcpy(vertexBytes + vertexOffset, ptr, size);
if (pixelOffset != -1) memcpy(pixelBytes + pixelOffset, ptr, size);
Anyone have a good fast way of doing this without unsafe code?