Loading multiple language files in CodeIgniter

2019-03-31 02:14发布


Can I load multiple language files for the same view in CodeIgniter?



Well it was pretty simple. I just loaded the two files with $this->lang->load().


Then after the view is loaded, I can use strings from the both files. But I'm not sure of the consequences of the same string being in different lang files.

I also saw that you can even load multiple views in CodeIgniter. Just have to load them consecutively and CodeIgniter will merge them into one view.


This example loads one class from the system library and one from application library.

$this->load->library(array( 'form_validation','form_validate_supplement'));


zkanoca that would not work if the same variables are used. Meanwhile if they are not , this would not be bilingual at all because you have no translation for the text you have. You will just have splited variables in 2 files.


From the codeigniter documentation,

$this->lang->load(array('menu', 'text'), 'french');

Codeigniter documentation