I use JPA criteria API to fetch records from the datebase. I have entity Record with field dateTime which can be null. I would code:
public List<Record> find(RecordFilter recordFilter, int page, int pageSize) {
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Record> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Record.class);
Root<Record> recordRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Record.class);
* JOINS. Left Joins are used for optional fields, or fields inside of the optional fields.
Join<Record, Agency> recordAgencyJoin = recordRoot.join(RecordTable.FIELD_AGENCY);
//Some other joins
//This is where I had the problem.
applyOrderBy(criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder, recordRoot);
* Specify which columns to select and their order.
* criteriaQuery.multiselect(....);
applyMultiSelect(recordRoot, recordAgencyJoin, /*other joins*/ criteriaQuery);
* criteriaQuery.where(somePredicate);
applyFilter(recordFilter, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder,
recordRoot, recordAgencyJoin /*, other joins*/);
TypedQuery<Record> query = entityManager.<Record>createQuery(criteriaQuery);
RepositoryUtils.applyPagination(query, page, pageSize);
return query.getResultList();
private void applyOrderBy(CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder, Root<Record> recordRoot, CriteriaQuery<Record> criteriaQuery) {
//Other fields to be added to the final sort.
Order dateTimeDescOrder = criteriaBuilder.desc(recordRoot.get(RecordTable.FIELD_DATE_TIME));
criteriaQuery.orderBy(dateTimeDescOrder /*, other orders by*/);
It turns out, records with NULL dateTimeField are shown first. I use Postrgres database. I will answer this question because I found a solution. Here is a similar post. JPA Criteria Query API and order by null last