How to create Floating IP and use it to configure

2019-03-30 20:28发布


I have recently tried to load balance my application using HAProxy and was able to do it successfully. Later, I have come across a concept called Floating IP, which can be used along with keepalived to make the load balancer highly available. I wasn't able to understand how to create the floating Ip though. How can I create Floating IP and use it to configure HAProxy? Thanks.



  • This works on Ubuntu 14.04
  • haproxy-primary IP:
  • haproxy-secondary IP:
  • shared IP:
  • Any DNS rules should point to the shared IP (


  1. Add a firewall rule for keepalived # is the keepalived multicast address
    1. sudo ufw allow in from to # on
    2. sudo ufw allow in from to # on
  2. Allow access to a shared IP address
    1. edit /etc/sysctl.conf
    2. set net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1
    3. sudo sysctl -p # reload config change
  3. Install keepalived
    1. sudo apt-get install keepalived
  4. Configure keepalived on both servers
    1. Edit/create /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
    2. See example file below # the priority MUST be different on the primary and secondary servers!
  5. Restart keepalived
    1. sudo service keepalived restart
  6. Listen on the shared IP address
    1. Edit /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
    2. bind
  7. Restart haproxy (on both haproxy servers)
    1. sudo service haproxy restart
  8. Verify proper failover
    1. primary: sudo ip addr show | grep eth0 # should list the shared IP
    2. secondary: sudo ip addr show | grep eth0 # should NOT list the shared IP
    3. primary: sudo service haproxy stop
    4. primary: sudo ip addr show | grep eth0 # should NOT list the shared IP
    5. secondary: sudo ip addr show | grep eth0 # should list the shared IP
    6. primary: sudo service haproxy start
    7. primary: sudo ip addr show | grep eth0 # should list the shared IP
    8. secondary: sudo ip addr show | grep eth0 # should NOT list the shared IP


     vrrp_script chk_haproxy {      # Requires keepalived-1.1.13
       script "killall -0 haproxy"  # cheaper than pidof
       interval 2 # check every 2 seconds
       weight 2 # add 2 points of priority if OK
     vrrp_instance VI_1 {
       interface eth0
       state MASTER
       virtual_router_id 51
       priority 101 # 101 on primary, 100 on secondary
       virtual_ipaddress {
       track_script {