As described in this post, I created an abstract base controller class in order to be able to pass data from a controller to In this case, I want to lookup a user in my db, querying for User.Identity.Name (only if he is logged in).
However, I noticed that in this abstract base class the User
property is always null
. What do I have to do to get this working?
Thanks a lot
As Paco suggested, the viewdata isn't initialized till after you are trying to use it.
Try overriding Controller.Initialize() instead:
public abstract class ApplicationController : Controller
private IUserRepository _repUser;
public ApplicationController()
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
_repUser = RepositoryFactory.getUserRepository();
var loggedInUser = _repUser.FindById(User.Identity.Name);
ViewData["LoggedInUser"] = loggedInUser;
To use the user, you should get the current page from
By setting authentication to Windows in web.config, you can get the user with User.Identity.Name
I use Page class on my static Utlilites classes. Like that;
Page P = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler;
and i can get all properties via the P object for the current requested page..
Have you tried this: