
How to trigger a GSAP function when a slide comes

2019-03-30 14:51发布


I want to add some simple animation to a presentation. I use GSAP (TweenMax) for this work. I have no problem with the animation setup, but these animations triggers as soon the presentation starts.

How can I control this, so that only when the slide with animations is active the scripts execute?

All your help is welcome. Regards!


Well, looks like reading the docs of the libraries answers at least 90% of this kind of questions. For the lazies (like me :) ) here´s what I found:

To check when the slide change, we use this:

 Reveal.addEventListener( 'slidechanged', function( event ) {
    // event.previousSlide, event.currentSlide, event.indexh, event.indexv
} );

And in my animeScript.js, I just link the event, just like:

Reveal.addEventListener( 'slidechanged', function( event ) {
} );

If we want to target a specific slide, we use data-state argument in the <section></section> tags like:

<section data-state="slide2">
  <img id="logo2" src="images/logo.png">
  <h2>No Theme</h2>
  <p>There's no theme included, so it will fall back on browser defaults.</p>

And link the state in the animeScript.js like:

Reveal.addEventListener( 'slide2', function() {
  TweenMax.to(logo3, 1,{opacity:1, delay:1.5});
}, false );
