
Generate XML Schema with documentation

2019-03-30 13:23发布


Is there a way to generate XML Schema(xsd) with documentation(<xsd:annotation> / <xsd:documentation>) from javadoc comments in classes? I know the reverse is possible (i.e generation classes with javadoc comments from xsd with comments).

Please advice.


Using the JAXBContext.generateSchema(SchemaOutputResolver) API it is not possible for Javadoc comments to be included in <xsd:documentation> sections. The reason for this is that there isn't any API available to introspect the Java class/field/property to get the information in the comments.


When javadoc doesn't work: How about an annotation (something like @XmlDocumentation(lang="en" content="..."))?


Yes, it is possible right now with the jaxb2-maven-plugin


But the recommendation is to use the XmlType annotation, for me the javadocs were working only when i dont use the attribute name of this annotation. I think is a bug with the default javadoc renderer.