Attaching an Event Handler to a Code Generated Dat

2019-03-30 11:56发布


I have a question related to this one: I'm trying to attach an event to my StackPanel but it doesn't appear to connect when using the XamlReader. I can't get the ChildItem_Load method to get called. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

Other than this event the code works fine.

this._listBox.ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate) XamlReader.Load(
                    @"<DataTemplate xmlns="""">
                              <StackPanel Loaded=""ChildItem_Loaded"">
                                  <TextBlock Text=""{Binding " + this._displayMemberPath + @"}"" />


Ok, I figured out a bit of a 'hack' solution, but it works.

Since it looks like the XamlReader doesn't have any knowledge of the local namespace when creating the DataTemplate I extended the StackPanel and "baked-in" the Load event. It's not exactly ideal, but it works:

this._listBox.ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate) XamlReader.Load(
    @"<DataTemplate xmlns=""""
                 <TextBlock Text=""{Binding " + this._displayMemberPath + @"}"" />

And the extended class:

public class ExtendedStackPanel : StackPanel
    public ExtendedStackPanel() : base()
        this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(this.ChildItem_Loaded);

    private void ChildItem_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // Logic here...