Monad instance of a number-parameterised vector?

2019-03-30 11:29发布


Statically sized vectors in Haskell are shown in Oleg Kiselyov's Number-parameterized types and can also be found in the Data.Param.FSVec type from the parameterized-data module on Hackage:

data Nat s => FSVec s a

FSVec is not an instance of the Monad type class.

The monad instance for lists, can be used to remove or duplicate elements:

Prelude> [1,2,3] >>= \i -> case i of 1 -> [1,1]; 2 -> []; _ -> [i]

Whether similar to the list version or not, is it possible to construct a monad from a fixed length vector?


Yes it is possible, if not natural.

The monad has to 'diagonalize' the result in order to satisfy the monad laws.

That is to say, you can look at a vector as a tabulated function from [0..n-1] -> a and then adapt the monad instance for functions.

The resulting join operation takes a square matrix in the form of a vector of vectors and returns its diagonal.


tabulate :: Pos n => (forall m. (Nat m, m :<: n) => m -> a) -> FSVec n a


instance Pos n => Monad (FSVec n) where
     return = copy (toNum undefined)
     v >>= f = tabulate (\i -> f (v ! i) ! i)

Sadly uses of this monad are somewhat limited.

I have a half-dozen variations on the theme in my streams package and Jeremy Gibbons wrote a blog post on this monad.

Equivalently, you can view a FSVec n as a representable functor with its representation being natural numbers bounded by n, then use the definitions of bindRep and pureRep in my representable-functors package to get the definition automatically.


That seems impossible given that any monad has a join function. If the vector size is not exactly zero or one this would change the vector size. You can make it a Functor and Applicative, though.


Sure you can do that. Just write

instance Monad (FSVec s) where
      -- your definition of return
      -- your definition of >>=