I'm using Ubuntu and have a directory called "webchat", under this directory there are 4 files: webchat.py, webchat.css, webchat.html, webchat.js.
When creating a HTTP server using Tornado, i map the root ("/") to my python code: 'webchat.py' as follow:
import os,sys
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import tornado.httpserver
#http server for webchat
class webchat(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write("Hello, chatter! [GET]")
def post(self):
self.write("Hello, chatter! [POST]")
#create http server
Handlers = [(r"/",webchat)]
App_Settings = {"debug":True}
HTTP_Server = tornado.web.Application(Handlers,**App_Settings)
#run http server
Accessing http://localhost:9999 will lead me to the 'webchat' handler (class webchat). However, i want to access the other files in the same directory with 'webchat.py', those are webchat.css, webchat.html, and webchat.js.
This URL gives me 404: http://localhost:9999/webchat.html. Any possible solutions to this matter?