I have some log files generated by Log4J2. I am outputting the logs into a .json file using the JSONLayout in the log4j2.xml configuration file. My JSONLayout is defined like this:
<JSONLayout complete="false"></JSONLayout>
As logs get entered into the log file on my machine, they are appended, one-after-another, and look like this in logs.log:
"message":"System: unable to perform action",
"throwable":"java.lang.NullPointerException\\n\tat com.myCompany.MyClass $.java:432)\\n\tat java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744)\\n"
I am trying to structure this JSON so that I can query it from ElasticSearch. During that process, I'm trying to add a custom field to ALL records. To do that, I'm using the following:
input {
file {
type => "json"
path => "/var/logs/myApp/logs.log"
filter {
json {
add_tag => [ "HardcodedTagName"]
source => "message"
output {
elasticsearch {
protocol => "http"
codec => "json"
host => "[myServerAddress]"
port => "9200"
Oddly, my custom tag NEVER seems to get added. At the same time, I'd really like to break out my JSON into fields that I can query in ElasticSearch. The things I'd like to query are clearly available. They are:
- level
- message
- timestamp
Yet, I can't seem to get this information out. When I see the JSON records in Kibana, I just see something like this:
"_index": "logstash-2014.04.07",
"_type": "json",
"_id": "tG-s6-5pSnq5HZwLhM6Dxg",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"message": " \"message\":\"System: unable to perform action\"\r",
"@version": "1",
"@timestamp": "2014-04-07T18:01:38.739Z",
"type": "json",
"host": "ip-MyipAddress",
"path": "/var/logs/myApp/logs.log"
"sort": [
What surprises me most is that the log level isn't even there. Neither is the thread information. I was surprised I couldn't find a blog post of a Log4J example that uses a filter. Any help is sincerely appreciated!