BACKGROUND I'm using VS 2010 on a machine where I installed .Net 4.5 which I've read was an in-place install (overrode the .net 4.0 version).
I have projects still targeting 4.0 and 4.5 option is not available but was told it's ok since 4.5 was an in-place install. I then installed EntityFramework -pre via nuget and notices when I ran Upgrade-Database -Script commands, it would not generate enum properties.
I then found this. I tried doing everything from scratch again but it was still adding EntityFramework 4.4 instead of 5.0. So I manually changed all references to point to the 5.0 version to make sure I have EF 5.0 version. All compiled.
PROBLEM When I run
Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigrations
I get "No classes deriving from DbContext found in the current project. Edit the generated Configuration class to specify the context to enable migrations for."
So I manually made sure that my class is correct as in:
internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<DataContext>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
DataContext subclasses DbContext.
When I run
Update-Database -Script
I get "No migrations configuration type was found in the assembly 'MyProject'. (In Visual Studio you can use the Enable-Migrations command from Package Manager Console to add a migrations configuration)."
MyProject does have the configuration class I mentioned above and in Package Manager Console I am choosign the right dropdown for my project containing Migrations folder and this Configuration class.
What do I do to make sure when I install EnittyFramework via nuget that it adds the 5.0 version and not 4.4 even though I have .Net 4.5 installed?
If I can't do anything related to the question above, what can I do to make sure Upgrade-Database spit out a script?