I have been using virtualstringtree for a while now. I use it for two different things, first a s a normal tree for selecting ,displaying data and secondly as a grid to show outputs from SQL statements.
All my data loaded in to the trees is from a database. For the tree example, i have a parentId field to distinguish the heirarchy, and for the grid examples i simply use an SQL statement with a customized record for each tree (that is unique).
My questions relates to the preferred/best way to populate the tree. I have read from the VST docs that you should use the onInitNode event along with rootnodecount. However i have found that using the AddChild() method to be very similar, even though it is not encouraged.
Let me show some (simplified) examples:
1. Heirarchy
type PData = ^rData;
rData = packed record
ID : Integer;
ParentID : Integer;
Text : WideString;
procedure Loadtree;
var Node : PVirtualNode;
Data : PData;
Q1 := TQuery.Create(Self);
Q1.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM Table');
Q1.Filter := 'ParentID = -1'; //to get the root nodes
Q1.Filtered := True;
while not Q1.Eof do
Node := VST.AddChild(nil);
Data := VST.GetNodeData(Node);
Data.ID := Q1.Fields[fldID].AsInteger;
Data.ParentID := Q1.Fields[fldParentID].AsInteger;
Data.Text := Q1.Fields[fldText].AsString;
//now filter the query again to get the children of this node
PopulateChildren(Data.ParentID,Node); //add children to this node and do it recursively
2. Grid
procedure LoadGrid;
var Node : PVirtualNode;
Data : PData;
Q1 := TQuery.Create(self);
Q1.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM Table');
while not Q1.eof do
Node := VST.AddChild(nil);
Data.ID := Q1.Fields[fldID].AsInteger;
Data.Text := Q1.Fields[fldText].AsString;
So essentially i am bypassing the RootNodeCount and OnInitNode methods/property and using the old fashioned way to add nodes to the tree. It seems to work fine. Note in the example i create and destroy my queries at runtime.
The reason i started using the tree in this manner is that i could load all the data in the tree once and then free the TQuery after i had finished using it. I was thinking that regardless of keeping the TQuery alive/created i would still need to use my rData record to store the data, hence using up more memory if i did not destroy the TQuery. Currently my application uses about 250+MB when fully loaded, and can increase when i run SQL reports and display them in the VST. I have seen it use about 1GB of ram when i have run a SQL report with 20000+ nodes and 50+ columns. What i would like to know if the way i am using the VST incorrect with regards to minimizing memory usage?
Would i be better off creating a query for the lifetime of the tree and using the onInitNode event? So that when data is requested by the tree it fetches it from the TQuery using the onInitNode/OnInitChildren event (i.e. the pure virtual paradigm of the tree)? Thus i would need to keep the TQuery alive for the duration of the form. Would there be any memory benefit/performance benefit in using it this way?
In the above situations the i can see the difference for the grid example would be far less (if any) than the heirarchy - due to the fact that all nodes need to be initialized when populated.