I am using LINQPad 5 and VSTS (visual studio team services)
I have a NuGet feed (v3) in VSTS and I would like to use packages from there(private) in LINQPad
I have tried using the personal access token from VSTS as the NuGet password in LINQPad
I have tried putting the VSTS credential provider for nuget in AppData\Local\NuGet\CredentialProviders
I have tried putting the VSTS credential provider for nuget in AppData\Local\LINQPad\NuGet\CredentialProviders
I have tried using my VSTS username and password as the nuget credentials
How is this done? Is there a bug in LINQPad? Is this not supported yet?
We managed to get it to work by using the v2 nuget API:
instead of:
Just put the personal access token in the password text box on LINQPad Package Sources dialog box.
My current way of getting it to work is as follows:
- use nuget v2 feed
- put the personal access token in the password text box
- make sure the access token is still valid...
- restart linqpad when in doubt! It seems to cache some old credentials (e.g. expired PAT) sometimes
- try disabling other feeds so you only have one feed enabled
- this helps sometimes: under advanced, enable use legacy search engine (v2)