I'm developing a TYPO3 4.6 Extension with Extbase 1.4 and im trying to include an external library. The library, in my case the facebook PHP SDK, is under $_EXTKEY/Resources/PHP/facebook-php-sdk/facebook.php
. I would like the library to autoload and automatically inject (Dependecy Injection) where I need it.
Some comments I found online suggest that one should include libraries with require_once():
- if it's just a tiny helper library, it's intended to be stored in {PackageRoot}/Resources/PHP/{libraryName} and just included via require. is this suspected by the problem however?
- if the FLOW3 package mainly represents the foreing library at all, like it's the case in Imagine or Swift package, the library code is put below {PackageRoot}/Classes directly."
"I would include the class (using require_once) from within a specific action to handle this. That way you have access over those functions and the class becomes your library."
I tried this and it works like this:
require_once( t3lib_extMgm::extPath('extkey') . 'Resources/PHP/facebook-php-sdk/facebook.php');
class Tx_WsLogin_Domain_Repository_FacebookUserRepository extends Tx_WsLogin_Domain_Repository_UserRepository {
protected $facebook;
public function __construct() {
$this->setFacebook(new Facebook(array(
'appId' =>'',
'secret' => '')
public function setFacebook(Facebook $facebook) {
$this->facebook = $facebook;
public function sampleFunction() {
$userId = $this->facebook->getUser();
But how can I get it to autoload and automatically inject the library with the injectFacebook function?
Like @alex_schnitzler and @sorenmalling mentioned about autoloading:
@PeterTheOne Put all the files inside ext_autoload.php and then use DI or the object manager.
@PeterTheOne put the class definition into ext_autoload.php in your extension?
I tried it like this (file: ext_autoload.php):
$extPath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath('extKey');
return array(
'facebook' => $extPath . 'Resources/PHP/facebook-php-sdk/facebook.php',
It seems to find and include the right file. But when I try to user Dependency Injection (like peter answered) I get an error:
not a correct info array of constructor dependencies was passed!
InvalidArgumentException thrown in file /var/syscp/webs/web1/dev/typo3_src-4.5.15/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Object/Container/Container.php in line 247.
I think this is because the constructor of the Facebook class has a required $config argument.
I did what peter said in his answer and with the help of @alex_schnitzler and @sorenmalling, who pointed me to the ObjectManager, my FacebookService looks like this now:
class Tx_Extkey_Service_FacebookService implements t3lib_Singleton {
* @var Tx_Extbase_Object_ObjectManagerInterface
protected $objectManager;
* Facebook from @link https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-sdk facebook-php-sdk
* @var Facebook
protected $facebook;
* @param Tx_Extbase_Object_ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager
public function injectObjectManager(Tx_Extbase_Object_ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager) {
$this->objectManager = $objectManager;
public function initializeObject() {
$this->facebook = $this->objectManager->create(
'appId' =>'input appId here',
'secret' => 'input app secret here'
* @return Facebook
public function getFacebook() {
return $this->facebook;
For more help read: http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-mvc/wiki/Dependency_Injection_(DI) the parts about initializeObject() and Creating Prototype Objects through the Object Manager