I have written a web application which is based on the Zend Framework (Version 1.11.11) and I want to use the SAME backend code for coding the mobile version of this application (Android). To achieve this, I want to get the response for each of the actions in the controllers in XML and JSON - for mobile-based app.
But the problem I am facing is:
Each of the actions in my controllers will return a view variable which will then be interpreted by the view script. But I want each of the actions to return a JSON array in case of a mobile application and the regular/usual thing (view variables) for the browser based web application.
Can anyone of you give me an example of how it can be achieved for a loginAction()
in UsersController
The URL would look like:
To do this, I want some insight and advice on how to do it in the most efficient and CORRECT way. I googled for answers but I did not find any good code samples or implementation samples on how to achieve this. I appreciate any help and guidance.
The way I have done it is: Have an API which is called with parameters which would parse the call and then off load it to the controller. But unsuccessful in coding it.
The code which I have until now:
A UserController
with loginAction()
(for users logging in):
According to me, I should be using the same logic or rather the same function as the loginAction in UsersController (for web-based and mobile-based app) as follows:
public function loginAction()
// Already logged in
if( Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer()->getIdentity() ) {
$this->view->status = false;
$this->view->error = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_('You are already signed in.');
if( null === $this->_helper->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext() ) {
$this->_helper->redirector->gotoRoute(array(), 'default', true);
// Make form
$this->view->form = $form = new User_Form_Login();
$form->setAction($this->view->url(array('return_url' => null)));
'return_url' => $this->_getParam('return_url'),
// Render
// Not a post
if( !$this->getRequest()->isPost() ) {
$this->view->status = false;
$this->view->error = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_('No action taken');
// Form not valid
if( !$form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost()) ) {
$this->view->status = false;
$this->view->error = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_('Invalid data');
// Check login creds
extract($form->getValues()); // $email, $password, $remember
$user_table = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('users', 'user');
$user_select = $user_table->select()
->where('email = ?', $email); // If post exists
$user = $user_table->fetchRow($user_select);
// Get ip address
$db = Engine_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$ipObj = new Engine_IP();
$ipExpr = new Zend_Db_Expr($db->quoteInto('UNHEX(?)', bin2hex($ipObj->toBinary())));
// Check if user exists
if( empty($user) ) {
$this->view->status = false;
$this->view->error = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_('No record of a member with that email was found.');
$form->addError(Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_('No record of a member with that email was found.'));
// Code
// Check if user is verified and enabled
if( !$user->enabled ) {
if( !$user->verified ) {
// Code here.
// End Version 3 authentication
} else {
$form->addError('There appears to be a problem logging in. Please reset your password with the Forgot Password link.');
// Code
} else { // Normal authentication
$authResult = Engine_Api::_()->user()->authenticate($email, $password);
$authCode = $authResult->getCode();
if( $authCode != Zend_Auth_Result::SUCCESS ) {
$this->view->status = false;
$this->view->error = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_('Invalid credentials');
$form->addError(Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->_('Invalid credentials supplied'));
// -- Success! --
// Register login
$loginTable = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('logins', 'user');
'user_id' => $user->getIdentity(),
'email' => $email,
'ip' => $ipExpr,
'timestamp' => new Zend_Db_Expr('NOW()'),
'state' => 'success',
'active' => true,
$_SESSION['login_id'] = $login_id = $loginTable->getAdapter()->lastInsertId();
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->getIdentity();
// Some code.
// Do redirection only if normal context
if( null === $this->_helper->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext() ) {
// Redirect by form
$uri = $form->getValue('return_url');
if( $uri ) {
if( substr($uri, 0, 3) == '64-' ) {
$uri = base64_decode(substr($uri, 3));
if($viewer->is_vendor) {
return $this->_helper->redirector->gotoRoute(array('module' => 'user' ,'controller' => 'vendors', 'action' => 'mydeals'), 'vendor_mydeals', true);
} else {
return $this->_helper->redirector->gotoRoute(array('action' => 'index'), 'user_searchquery', true);
//return $this->_redirect($uri, array('prependBase' => false));
return $this->_helper->redirector->gotoRoute(array('action' => 'index'), 'user_searchquery', true);
So I want to use the above loginAction()
even for mobile based application.
Next, I have a class called Service_Api with a variety of functions. Below is a function I have now to get user based on id.
private function getUser(array $params)
$userData = array();
$usersTable = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('users', 'user');
$select = $usersTable->select()->where('user_id = ?', $params['user']);
$user = $usersTable->findOne($params['user']);
if($user) {
$userData = $user->exportToArray();
return Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($userData);
Similarly I want to have a loginAction for logging in. How will the loginAction()
look and how will I get only JSON vlaues (say user values from db and success/failure for login success/failure) for mobile application.
I want to have a RESTful URL.
So my URLs would look like:
http://{servername}/service/groups/list etc.
I have a controller called ServiceController with loginAction as follows:
public function loginAction()
* Fetch Parameters and Parameter Keys
* We don't need the controller or action!
$params = $this->_getAllParams();
$paramKeys = array_keys($params);
* Whitelist filter the Parameters
$filterParams = new Zend_Filter_Input($params);
* Build a request array, with method name to call
* on handler class for REST server indexed with
* 'method' key.
* Method name is constructed based on valid parameters.
$paramKeysUc = array();
foreach($paramKeys as $key)
$paramKeysUc[] = ucfirst($key);
$methodName = 'getBy' . implode('', $paramKeysUc);
$request = array(
* Filter parameters as needed and add them all to the
* $request array if valid.
foreach($paramKeys as $key)
$request[$key] = $filterParams->testAlnum($key);
$request[$key] = $params[$key];
// need better handling of filter errors for a real webservice…
throw new Exception($request[$key] . ' contained invalid data');
* Setup Zend_Rest_Server
require_once 'Zend/Rest/Server.php';
$server = new Zend_Rest_Server;
echo $server->handle($request);
But this is using a separate controller action.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks. Abhilash