I'm forking a Python script with NodeJS and when forked, by default, NodeJS create an IPC between this new process and the parent.
With NodeJS, to send message from a child to the parent I do process.send({msg : 'toto'})
How can I do that with Python ?
Ok I found it, finally is quite easy. It's only about writing on the right file descriptor.
On the NodeJS side parameter, spawn your script like that :
var child = child_process.spawn('python', ['hello.py'], {
stdio:[null, null, null, 'ipc']
child.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('Received message...');
As the 'ipc' channel is the 4rd parameter, you will have to write on the filedescriptor 3.
On the Python side :
import os
os.write(3, '{"dt" : "This is a test"}\n', "utf8")
Done. You will receive the message on the child.on('message' callback.
Cheers !