I have two question for chart rendering when its container is resized.
First thing is, how to render chart correctly when its container is resized..
i.e. Maximize / Restore problem, at its first rendering it works just fine, however when I restore the size of the window, the charts begin to overlay as its previous size. As you can see from the following pics:
I know if you set a resize handler (and wait a small amount of time) to refresh the chart whenever the window is resized, the problem can be solved. I am thinking whether there are some other approaches to let the chart flow to the right size without refreshing the chart every time.
The second thing is:
If the charting area is in a <div>
container, and the size of the container will change with a resize bar. I use the following code to get it work with the window resizing. But it won't work with a moving resize bar.
$(window).resize(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
Note: The grid component works just fine in any case and just the chart I am always having troubles. I am using HighCharts, kendoUI grid and both of them are rendered in jQueryUI portlets.
Any comments appreciated!This problem has taken me a long time..
Update: Since I think my explanation of the issue is not clear enough, I added JSFiddle example for better understanding. Basically I want two things: 1. reflow the size of the chart to fit its container when window is resizing; 2. reflow the size of chart to fit its container when the resize bar is moving.
I am using plugins highcharts for charting, jQuery UI Layout for layout management in this example. For some other plugins I am using, please refer to here, I am not sure whether they have conflicts.