When calling MPI_BCAST, is there any implied synchronization? For example, if the sender process were to get to the MPI_BCAST before others could it do the BCAST and then continue without any acknowledgements? Some recent tests with code like:
program test
include 'mpif.h'
integer ierr, tid, tmp
call MPI_INIT(ierr)
tmp = tid
if(tid.eq.0) then
write(*,*) tid,'done'
call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
shows that with two threads they both reach completion, despite only the sender doing a call to MPI_BCAST.
1 done 0
0 done 0
Could this be a problem with the MPI installation I'm working with (MPICH), or is this standard behavior for MPI?
is a collective communication call, and as such blocks. More precisely, it blocks until all processes in the specified communicator have made a matching call to Bcast
, at which point communication occurs and execution continues.
Your code is too simplified for debugging purposes. Can you post a working minimal example that demonstrates the problem?
I can attest that MPI_Bcast
does NOT block, at least for the root (sending) process. You should call MPI_Barrier
immediately afterward if you want to be certain that your program blocks. I know this because I recently accidentally called MPI_Bcast
for the root process only (instead of collectively) and the program execution continued as normal until much later when the NEXT unrelated call to MPI_Bcast
, in which the old buffer was received into the new different buffers. This mismatch in buffer data type/length produced garbage data and it took me a while to find that bug.