I'm using AWS API Gateway and it's HTTP Proxy,
I need to pass Authorization header to my endpoint through AWS API Gateway
Things I've tried:
Setting Method Request like so,
Integration Request setup
This doesn't work, my app doesn't receive the Authorization header,
Also I've tried using mapping template
"method": "$context.httpMethod",
"body" : $input.json('$'),
"headers": {
#foreach($param in $input.params().header.keySet())
"$param": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().header.get($param))" #if($foreach.hasNext),#end
"queryParams": {
#foreach($param in $input.params().querystring.keySet())
"$param": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().querystring.get($param))" #if($foreach.hasNext),#end
"pathParams": {
#foreach($param in $input.params().path.keySet())
"$param": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().path.get($param))" #if($foreach.hasNext),#end
This also doesn't worked.
Could Anyone give me some hint on how this might be accomplished ?