
r wordcloud external ttf vfont not recognized

2019-03-29 08:32发布


I've installed the 'extrafont' package in order to install an external font library Duality via the ttf_import() method. However, when specifying the font via the wordcloud method, I receive the following error:

Installation command:

# Assuming the font file, DUALITY_.ttf, is in the working directory (see link to font above)

Wordcloud command:

wordcloud(ap.d$word, ap.d$freq, scale=c(8,2), min.freq=10, vfont=c("Duality","plain"),
      random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0, use.r.layout=FALSE, colors=pal2, fixed.asp=FALSE)


Error in strwidth(words[i], cex = size[i], ...) : 
  invalid 'vfont' value [typeface -2147483648]

In order to verify that the font is indeed installed, I issued the following commands

> choose_font("Duality")
[1] "Duality"
> fonts()
....[49] "Waree"                    "Duality"    

How come the Duality font is not visible to the vfont parameter of wordcloud? And how do I make it visible to Cairo (the default renderer). TIA!


I've been able to overcome the same problem using the parameters passed to text family and font and described in ?par instead of vfont. Also I needed to load the font first. So the thing goes:

Import the font (sorry, the link to Duality provided in OP is no longer available, I use Lucida Handwriting instead, available in windows):


Load (see this blog for details):

loadfonts() # loadfonts(device = "win") if you are working in windows


wordcloud(ap.d$word, ap.d$freq, scale=c(8,2), min.freq=10, family="Lucida Handwriting", font=1,
  random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0, use.r.layout=FALSE, colors=pal2, fixed.asp=FALSE)


To complement previous answers, and explain how one can actually choose which fonts to use. First, import fonts (it is possible to set a path different from the default in font_import()

font_impohttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/25605185/how-do-i-add-a-changelog-or-news-file-to-my-r-packagert(prompt = FALSE)

To know which fonts are available:


This presents the exact reference for what to include as "font family". You can then issue the wordcloud command like this:

wordcloud(c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9), seq(1, 1000, len = 62), family = "Carlito", font = 1)

Why font = 1? From ?par(), here's what it says about the font parameter:

An integer which specifies which font to use for text. If possible, device drivers arrange so that 1 corresponds to plain text (the default), 2 to bold face, 3 to italic and 4 to bold italic.