I've been having trouble with a Capistrano script, or in fact, a bash command that was causing my script to fail. I kept on getting errors from the script saying:
No such file or directory
So here's the script bit.
run "sudo ln -s #{shared_path}/readme.txt #{shared_path}/readme-symlink.txt"
Upon closer inspection it turns out that there are two spaces between the readme.txt and readme-symlink.txt bits. By accident I found that one is a space, and the other is just a weird character that looks like a space, but it's not. Here's what it looks like in Sublime Text, configured to display whitespace:
Notice how, in the above image, there is only one dot after readme.txt, and then another "space"
So here's my question, what on earth is this charachter, I'm just so confused how someone managed to get that in there by typing on a normal keyboard?