For some time I have been trying to change a password via cfldap
. The connection is made over SSL and port 636 (cfssl_basic
), tested within logins. I tried the following version of code:
<cfset password_new_retyp=charsetEncode(charsetDecode('"'&password_new_retyp&'"','UTF-16LE'),'UTF-8'))>
<!---encoded, decoded password --->
<cfldap action="modify"
dn="#session.dn_addres#" --- i query this on login
server="" --- name of server thet i use on login
secure = "cfssl_basic"
username="#session.username#" ---username thet is used on login
password="#password_old#"> ---- pass before changing
and error is somthing like this :
An error has occured while trying to execute query :[LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903C5, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v23f0 ].
I also tried this method without encoding password:
<cfldap action="modify"
secure = "cfssl_basic"
password="#password_old#" >
and eror is the same:
An error has occured while trying to execute query :[LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903C5, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v23f0 ].
One or more of the required attributes may be missing or incorrect or you do not have permissions to execute this operation on the server.
Any idea?
It was a long and hard road but I got there. I hope this helps anyone else trying to change passwords and enforce LDAP password policy.
Source: Based on code from Edward Smith in archived CFTalk thread
// You are going to use the user's credentials to login to LDAP
// Assuming your LDAP is set up to do so
// Set up varibles
newPassword = '"#newPassword#"';
oldPassword = '"#currentPassword#"';
// You would probably pass in a variable here, I typed it out so you would ss the format its expecting
distinguishedName = "CN=theUser,OU=someOU,DC=DDDD,DC=CCC,DC=AAA,DC=ZZZ";
newUnicodePassword = newPassword.getBytes("UnicodeLittleUnmarked");
oldUnicodePassword = oldPassword.getBytes("UnicodeLittleUnmarked");
ldapsURL = "ldap://#ldapServer#:#ldapPort#";
// Create a Java Hashtable
javaEnv = CreateObject("java", "java.util.Hashtable").Init();
// Put stuff in the Hashtable
javaEnv.put("java.naming.provider.url", ldapsURL);
// The user's Full DN and Password
javaEnv.put("", "#distinguishedName#");
javaEnv.put("", "#currentPassword#");
javaEnv.put("", "simple");
javaEnv.put("", "ssl");
javaEnv.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
// Create a Java InitialDirContext
javaCtx = CreateObject("java", "").Init(javaEnv);
// Create two Java BasicAttributes
oldBA = CreateObject("java", "").Init("unicodePwd", oldUnicodePassword);
newBA = CreateObject("java", "").Init("unicodePwd", newUnicodePassword);
* Stick the attributes into an Java Array and tell it what to do with them
* Guess what? A CF Array = a Java Array
* 1 = DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE
* This is the big trick
* If you login above as an admin then you only need to do a 2 Replace but will not run LDAP passoword policy (lenght, complexity, history... etc.)
* It will let you change password to anything
* If you want to check the LDAP password policy then you need to create the array and first Remove (3) then Add (1)
* Error Code 19 means something in the LDAP password policy was violated
* I haven't figured out how to read what the error is (like "password length too short" or "you have used this password in the past")
* Error Code 49 means invalid username/password
mods = [
createObject( "java", "").init(3, oldBA),
createObject( "java", "").init(1, newBA)
// Run it
// Yeah! I could have scripted the cfcatch but this was easier.
<cfif find('error code 19',cfcatch.message)>
<!--- I am using cfwheels so this just displays a nice error message on the next page --->
<cfset flashInsert(error="New password does not meet requirements defined in the password rules.")>
<cfelseif isDefined('cfcatch.RootCause.cause.Explanation') and find('error code 49', cfcatch.RootCause.cause.Explanation)>
<!--- I am using cfwheels so this just displays a nice error message on the next page --->
<cfset flashInsert(error="Current Password IS incorrect.")>
<!--- This just pukes the error up hard and uncaught --->
<cfset hasError = true>