I've used the OAuth1Authenticator class from the Xamarin.Auth component library to allow users to login via Twitter. It authenticates correctly and gets me a response which has the following: oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, user_id, screen_name, oauth_consumer_key, oauth_consumer_secret.
Here is my code
OAuth1Authenticator twitterAuthenticator = new OAuth1Authenticator(Constants.Twitter.CONSUMER_KEY, Constants.Twitter.CONSUMER_SECRET, new Uri(Constants.Twitter.REQUEST_TOKEN_URL), new Uri(Constants.Twitter.AUTHORIZE_URL), new Uri(Constants.Twitter.ACCESS_TOKEN_URL), new Uri(Constants.Twitter.CALLBACK_URL));
twitterAuthenticator.Completed += async (sender, e) =>
if (!e.IsAuthenticated)
string oauth_token = e.Account.Properties["oauth_token"].ToString();
The question is how do I then use that response to signup/signin a Parse User ? i.e. I want a ParseUser created on the parse database via the Twitter token and the session should be taken care of, same way it works for sign-via-Facebook using ParseFacebookUtils class
Problem is Parse doesn't support Login via Twitter in Xamarin, however, I believe parse does support any type of 3rd party authentication in an alternative way as shown below but I don't know how to do it.
Here are the most relative links
https://parse.com/tutorials/adding-third-party-authentication-to-your-web-app but the problem in this link is that it's made as a webpage button, don't know how to use that on a mobile, and it's for GitHub don't know how to use it for Twitter instead (Twitter is only OAuth1)
http://blog.parse.com/2013/12/03/bring-your-own-login/ This is exactly what I need but it needs a session Token, doesn't work with the oauth_tokens that twitter responds back to me, hence don't know how to use the method mentioned in the link
https://github.com/auth0/rules/blob/master/parse.md This looks like the solution, however I don't know how to use it, it does show the twitter icon so it should work with twtiter but how do I get that to work in .NET Update: I've found this xamarin component http://components.xamarin.com/view/Auth0Client which gets me closer to use the method mentioned in the first link in this paragraph, yet I'm still lost and don't know how to link autho0 to parse
All in all, I'm lost in this maze and really wish anyone could help me out.