I've just started using AngularJS with my Rails app and as I'm used to using haml templates within Rails I would like to do the same with AngularJS on the client side. Problem is I don't know where to read in the haml file.
I have a model for investors and I'm trying to convert the 'show' template over to haml as it's the easiest to start with.
Here is my AngularJS code relating to show
# Setup the module & route
angular.module("investor", ['investorService'])
.config(['$routeProvider', ($provider) ->
.when('/investors/:investor_id', {templateUrl: '/investors/show.html', controller: 'InvestorCtrl'})
.config(["$httpProvider", (provider) ->
provider.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-Token'] = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content')
angular.module('investorService', ['ngResource'])
.factory('Investor', ($resource) ->
return $resource('/investors/:investor_id.json', {}, {
show: {method: 'GET'},
angular.bootstrap document, ['investor']
Here is my controller AngularJS code
# Show Investor
window.InvestorCtrl = ($scope, $routeParams, Investor) ->
html = haml.compileHaml({sourceId: 'simple'})
investor_id = $routeParams.investor_id
$scope.investor = Investor.show({investor_id: investor_id})
In the backend I have a Rails JSON API.
Here is the show.html file it reads in
<script type="text/haml-template" id="simple">
%h1 {{investor.name}}
<div id="haml"></div>
<b>Total Cost</b>
<b>Total Value</b>
<a href='/investors/angular#/investors/{{investor.id}}/edit'>Edit</a>
<a href='/investors'>Back</a>
Ultimately I would like to have a .haml and pass this to the templateURL and get the haml_coffee_assets plugin to compile it before AngularJS starts looking at the dynamic fields and changing the content.
Ref: https://github.com/netzpirat/haml_coffee_assets
Currently this will convert the haml and put it into the div with id of haml. However AngularJS will not change the {{investor.name}} within the haml code to the investor's name as it's too late in the operation.
How do I properly implement client side haml templates within an AngularJS project like this?