Android 2.3.3
I am new to Vuforia and Augmented Reality in particular. So, please excuse me if this is very basic question.
I was able to download and run the sample application from Vuforia on Text Recognition and Image Recognition. Now I set out to create a sample application(Image Targeting) of my own.
Here is what I did ::: Following the steps given in Vuforia
Downloaded the SDK from Vuforia.
Created a Database using Target Manager in the developer console of Vuforia.
Adding a Target - I uploaded an image into the database that i just created. It's an image of letter A.
Updating Targets - skipped this step
Downloading Targets - Selected the image and clicked "Download selected targets" and got a zip file in my system. I extracted it and now i see two files, one is a .dat and another is a .xml file.
Now I have no clue of what to do, from here...
Here is what I wanted to do.. When I scan the Image A with my application, it should show, you have scanned A. That's it - As simple as that.
Can someone tell me what I need to do from here..
I tried searching for tutorials on Android part of vuforia, but I really didn't get any help from web. Please guide me incase you have some links with you.
Thanks in advance!!
Thanks for your quick response Sushil
Edit 1 ::: Okie, I see them in the Assets folder. I will add them in the Assets folder too. Now, can I change the files in the sample application, with my files(that I downloaded) and change the references, to make the sample application work for my files? Is it that simple?