How can I dynamically clear all controls in a user

2019-03-28 12:48发布


Is it possible to dynamically (and generically) clear the state of all of a user control's child controls? (e.g., all of its TextBoxes, DropDrownLists, RadioButtons, DataGrids, Repeaters, etc -- basically anything that has ViewState)

I'm trying to avoid doing something like this:

foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls)
    if (c is TextBox)
        TextBox tb = (TextBox)c;
        tb.Text = "";
    else if (c is DropDownList)
        DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)c;
        ddl.SelectedIndex = -1;
    else if (c is DataGrid)
        DataGrid dg = (DataGrid)c;

    // etc.


I'm looking for something like this:

foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls)

...but obviously that doesn't exist. Is there any easy way to accomplish this dynamically/generically?


I was going to suggest a solution similar to Task's except (as sixlettervariables points out) we need to implement it as 1 extension method and essentailly switch on the precise type of the control passed in (i.e. copy your logic that you posted in your question).

public static class ControlExtensions
    public static void Clear( this Control c )
        if(c == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("c");
        if (c is TextBox)
            TextBox tb = (TextBox)c;
            tb.Text = "";
        else if (c is DropDownList)
            DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)c;
            ddl.SelectedIndex = -1;
        else if (c is DataGrid)
            DataGrid dg = (DataGrid)c;
        // etc....

It is not particularly elegent looking method but your code in your page/control is now the more succinct

foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls) {

and you can of course now call control.Clear() anywhere else in you code.


You can do

foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls) {

Because Controls is just a list, you can call Remove() on it, passing it what you want to remove.

EDIT: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't read it correctly. I don't know of a way to do this, maybe someone here who is good with Reflection could make it where you could do like

foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls) {
    c = new c.Type.GetConstructor().Invoke();

or something, to turn it into a freshly made component.


I haven't tested it, but clearing viewstate for the usercontrol may work. You could expose a custom method on the user control as well:


public void Clear()



Now again I haven't tested. It's possible this will only clear the StateBag for the UserControl container, and not its nested/child controls.. if the above doesn't work you could try using recursion to walk down the control tree to clear viewstate for all children:


public void Clear()

private void ClearViewState(ControlCollection cc)
    foreach(Control c in cc)
            //clear the child controls first

        //then clear the control itself



Just an idea. I haven't tested it but I think in theory it could work. One implication would be to call Clear at the correct point in the page/controls lifecycle, otherwise it may not work.

Hope this helps!


myUserControl.Controls.ToList().ForEach(c => myUserControl.Controls.Remove(c));

However, be careful, because you modify the iterating list. This could lead to some strange behaviour.


Setting EnableViewState="false" on the individual controls might save you the work, if it doesn't cause other problems for you in this instance.


What about the Control.ClearChildViewState method?

MSDN states

Deletes the view-state information for all the server control's child controls.

I have never used this though. So I am unsure if it will help you. Sounds good though, I think :)


Why not do as you suggest:

foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls)

And then implement Clear:

public static class UserController
    public static void Clear( this Control c )

    public static void Clear( this TextBox c )
        c.Text = String.Empty;

That should do it.