Is there a way to have both encrypted and nonencry

2019-03-28 13:06发布


If I encrypt host_vars/* files with ansible-vault, I don't seem to have a chance to have nonencrypted host vars other than those residing in the inventory file. Am I missing something?


As it turns out, host_vars- and group_vars-files might be directories in actuality. That is, instead of creating host_vars/ one might create host_vars/ and host_vars/ All the files residing in the directory are read. Which settles it.

Additionally, the best practice is to store sensitive variables prefixed with vault_ in the vault file, and reassign them to non-prefixed variables in the vars file. Like so:


vault_mysql_password: '...'


mysql_password: '{{ vault_mysql_password }}'

That way, you'll be able to find encrypted variables with grep, or any similar tool.


Simply don't encrypt host_vars/*, but instead encrypt only variable files that you want encrypted. This article describes a really nice approach:

Essentially what you have are nested/chained variables.

This is your plain text variable file:

# var_file
db_password: {{ vaulted_db_passord }}

And this is your variable file that you are going to encrypt:

# vault_file
vaulted_db_passord: a_super_secret

In your playbook you refer to db_password and it'll resolve into the encrypted password. Using this approach your variable names are still readable plain text, however variable values are securely encrypted.


Here is a full example, with all of the linkages penciled in. Something I sorely needed while I was nutting this out. Context, context, context.

Ansible config

Ansible will automatically load this file if it is in the same directory as your called playbook.

# File: /path/to/playbook/ansible.cfg
inventory   = /path/to/playbook/hosts.ini

Hosts file

This file defines host groups. In this example, only the local group is important.

localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python2

xx.xx.xx.xx ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/path/to/ec2/keys/key.pem

Playbook to gather ec2 facts about any of my instances with the following attributes:

  • in the ap-southeast-1 region
  • tagged with Name: ec2-go

The playbook.

# File: gather.yml
- name: Gather remote EC2 facts
hosts: local
connection: local
gather_facts: False

# Necessary variables for fact gathering
    region:           ap-southeast-1

  - name: Gather EC2 facts.
      aws_secret_key: "{{ secret_access_key }}"
      aws_access_key: "{{ access_key_id }}"
      region: "{{ params['region'] }}"
        "tag:Name": ec2-go
    register: ec2_facts

  - name: Print the id of the first instance tagged with "Name: ec2-go"
      msg: "{{ ec2_facts['instances'][0]['id'] }}"

  - name: Print ALL of the ec2_facts
      msg: "{{ ec2_facts }}"

Now for the Ansible Vault MAGIC that arises from the following directory structure


Guess what? I made no effort to access any of these files with vars_files in my playbook, that's the MAGIC! When my playbook is addressing the host group [local], ansible automatically accesses the /path/to/playbook/group_vars/local directory and loads the vars AND the encrypted vault file if we reference an encrypted var (we'll get to that right now).


Notice that we automatically access the encrypted vault file by prepending bare vars with vault_. No further action required to link these up. It is idiomatic (best practice) to keep the var names the same, i.e. myVar --> vault_myVar. The advantage of all this dancing around is that it makes variable names visible (think grep), rather than hidden within an encrpyted file.

# File: /path/to/playbook/group_vars/local/vars
access_key_id: AKIAS_YOUR_MUM_MQTFHA
secret_access_key: "{{ vault_secret_access_key }}"

Vault (unencrpyted)

We encrypt this file with ansible-vault encrypt vault and a password. We decrypt with ansible-vault decrypt vault or more safely, just edit without decryption with ansible-vault edit vault:

# File: /path/to/playbook/group_vars/local/vault
vault_secret_access_key: youShOuLDnOTtRUstEVEryThInGYoUrEAdOniNtErnET

Vault (encrypted)

$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 36613032373533636330363539653565343463333135633564303036653732616435663462306637 6363383237386461613338626362653465343636366264610a623537393937646635366638393362 65353235653166396565333231336332666135663239386162633862356534393066383265333466 6465373962326662350a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

Run the playbook:

You'll need the cmdline argument -ask-vault-pass because of that ONE variable that is referenced from the vault.

ansible-playbook gather.yml --ask-vault-pass


You can use this ansible feature :

    vars.yml  # unecrypted yaml file
    vault.yml # encrypted yaml file

Ansible will read automatically vault.yml as encrypted yaml file.

标签: ansible