I'm making an app that uses the Google Street View Image API
I have no problem getting an image of the street view based on the address/coordinates
but - I want to detect if the specific address has a Street View image available (in order to show a different behavior for addresses that doesn't have it)
The only idea I got so far is to read the pixels of the returned image and detect whether this is the image the I got when there is no image available
Any other idea?
Using google.maps.StreetViewService.getPanoramaByLocation( latlng, radius, callback()), you can check whether there is a streetview panorama.
If there is a streetview panorama, then there must be an image of streetview.
You can refer the reference of google :
Or refer to the example of StreetViewService :
mStreetViewPanorama.setOnStreetViewPanoramaChangeListener(streetViewPanoramaLocation -> {
if (streetViewPanoramaLocation != null && streetViewPanoramaLocation.links != null) {
Toast.makeText(StreetViewActivity.this, "StreetView Camera Found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(StreetViewActivity.this, "StreetView Camera not Found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Google has an api endpoint where you can look up the metadata for a panorama/streetview:
You can check the status
property of the response.
Successful Response
"copyright" : "© 2017 Google",
"date" : "2016-05",
"location" : {
"lat" : 48.85783227207914,
"lng" : 2.295226175151347
"pano_id" : "tu510ie_z4ptBZYo2BGEJg",
"status" : "OK"
Failed Response
"status" : "ZERO_RESULTS"
@see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/streetview/metadata