The Kruskal's algorithm is the following:
1. A={}
2. for each vertex v∈ G.V
3. MAKE-SET(v)
4. sort the edges of G.E into nondecreasing order by weight w
5. for each edge (u,v) ∈ G.E, taken in nondecreasing order by weight w
6. if FIND-SET(u)!=FIND-SET(v)
7. A=A U {(u,v)}
8. Union(u,v)
9. return A
According to my textbook:
Initializing the set A in line 1 takes O(1) time, and the time to sort the edges in line 4 is O(E lgE). The for loop of lines 5-8 performs O(E) FIND-SET and UNION operations on the disjoint-set forest. Along with the |V| MAKE-SET operations, these take a total of O((V+E)α(V)) time, where α is a very slowly growing function. Because we assume that G is connected, we have |E| <= |V|-1, and so the disjoint-set operations take O(E α(V)) time. Moreover, since α(V)=O(lgV)=O(lgE), the total running time of Kruskal's algorithm is O(E lgE). Observing that |E|<|V|^2, we have lg |E|=O(lgV), and so we can restate the running time of Kruskal's algorithm as O(E lgV).
Could you explain me why we deduce that the time to sort the edges in line 4 is O(E lgE)? Also how do we get that the total time complexity is O((V+E)α(V)) ?
In addition, suppose that all edge weights in a graph are integers from 1 to |V|. How fast can you make Kruskal's algorithm run? What if the edges weights are integers in the range from 1 to W for some constant W?
How does the time complexity depend on the weight of the edges?
In addition, suppose that all edge weights in a graph are integers from 1 to |V|. How fast can you make Kruskal's algorithm run?
I have thought the following:
In order the Kruskal's algorithm to run faster, we can sort the edges applying Counting Sort.
- The line 1 requires O(1) time.
- The lines 2-3 require O(v) time.
- The line 4 requires O(|V|+|E|) time.
- The lines 5-8 require O(|E|α(|V|)) time.
- The line 9 requires O(1) time.
So if we use Counting Sort in order to solve the edges, the time complexity of Kruskal will be
Could you tell me if my idea is right?
What if the edges weights are integers in the range from 1 to W for some constant W?
We will again use Counting Sort. The algorithm will be the same. We find the time complexity as follows:
- The line 1 requires O(1) time.
- The lines 2-3 require O(|V|) time.
- The line 4 requires O(W+|E|)=O(W)+O(|E|)=O(1)+O(|E|)=O(|E|) time.
- The lines 5-8 require O(|E|α(|V|)) time.
- The line 9 requires O(1) time.
So the time complexity will be: