I was reviewing some information about the components of the URL, but can't find a reasonable explanation of the the possible full length url and what each component could be. I want to know what a full URL could look like, taking advantage of all of the intricasies. i will also hope to build a little GUI helping explain them once I undderstand them better, but until then I would try with the components I am aware of:
[ ]
Brackets contain a full component
Pipe shows possible subcomponents of a component
( )
Parenthesis contain notes, thoughts, and assumptions about the sub/components
My full understanding:
Here are the descriptions of each component: if it has an *
, it is optional
* = [ (type {http | https | ftp | file | etc...}) ]
(although this is optional, I believe that it is also required, meaning that modern browsers insert the type to request it to the server, and the server may return a different type as well)
= (don't know what this is called)
* = [ [subdomain] | [subdomain]subdomain ]
= [ name . (type {com | org | etc..}) ]
* = [ (blank which is by default port:80) | port:** ]
* = [ (blank) | [path] | [path]path ]
= [ name . (type {html | php | php | (etc...) }) ]
* = [ ?[ blank(ie no query) | paramater=value | paramater=value¶mater=value(etc...) ]]
* = [ #[ blank(ie no hash) | anyStringToBeParsedClientSide(usually for persistence) ]
( just learned a hash is also known as a fragment identifier )
What else am I forgetting, or am I overlooking a good site that explains them. Please correct my naming, as they are likely incorrect, as I am trying to also learn what they are called.