pip with embedded python

2019-03-28 10:33发布


I installed embedded python from here, titled "Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file", but it does not have pip installed, it does not have site-packages either, when I try to do python get-pip.py it failed to run because this file has import pip in it. So how can I install pip within a embedded python environment.

Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\getpip.py", line 20061, in main() File ".\getpip.py", line 194, in main bootstrap(tmpdir=tmpdir) File ".\getpip.py", line 82, in bootstrap import pip File "", line 961, in _find_and_load File "", line 950, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 646, in _load_unlocked File "", line 616, in _load_backward_compatible

The directory structure is:

Directory: C:\Downloads\python-3.6.1rc1-embed-win32

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM         157344 pyexpat.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          97952 python.exe
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          58016 python3.dll
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM        3263648 python36.dll
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM        2209284 python36.zip
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM             79 python36._pth
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          96416 pythonw.exe
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          23200 select.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM         866464 sqlite3.dll
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM         895648 unicodedata.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          83784 vcruntime140.dll
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          24224 winsound.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          45216 _asyncio.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          77984 _bz2.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM         101536 _ctypes.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM         215712 _decimal.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM         156832 _elementtree.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM        1042592 _hashlib.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM         183456 _lzma.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          32416 _msi.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          25760 _multiprocessing.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          33952 _overlapped.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          61600 _socket.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM          64160 _sqlite3.pyd
-a----         3/4/2017   7:26 PM        1458848 _ssl.pyd


I recently ran into the same issue. I checked the documentation for pip and they seem to say that this use case isn't supported etc. But anyhow, here is my hack for getting the modules to work.

I installed, and by that I mean unzipped embedded python into a directory called d:\python. I assumed that the modules are going to live in that same directory.

First, to install the pip module, I needed to save the extraceted files. I changed the get-pip.py using a text editor that supported unix line terminators by removing the rmtree lines that remove the temporary and unpacked tree from the blob containted in the get-pip.py file.

I changed both locations, but only the last one was needed. The line that I changed in two locations read

shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)

and I modified it thus (I didn't want to bother with the python indentation blocks):

print('shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)')

I now ran my python D:\python\python.exe on the modified get-pip.py and found the temporary directory where the files were unzipped to.

I copied this directory, (check that it contains a main.py) file into the python install D:\python\pip (this is where I wanted my modules to live), ensuring that the D:\python\pip directory contained the main.py file.

The pip module is now installed in the python directory, but you need to hack pip further to remove the exception above. I did this by changing the locations.py file (in my case located in D:\python\pip\locations.py) to return the bin_py and bin_user locations of D:\python.


86 if WINDOWS:
bin_py = 'd:/python'
bin_user = 'd:/python'

I had to change the user_dir for pip to somewhere that would persist on this drive that was shared across multiple VMs.

The pip module now runs fine, eg

d:\python\python.exe -m pip ...


Even if explicitly stated the embed version of python do not supports pip, they say it is possible with care. There is an easy workaround to use pip inside an embed version of python.

PIP can be installed in embedded python. You need to:

  • Download and unzip python "...embeddable zip file". (source: https://www.python.org/downloads/[OS version])

  • edit the file '[python folder]\python36._pth'. Uncomment the import site statement as proposed in the comment above.

    # Uncomment to run site.main() automatically
    import site
  • Download get-pip.py to the python install folder (source: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/)

  • run get-pip script command. this installs pip into the [python]\Scripts directory

    python get-pip.py
  • run pip direct from command line as pip is a executable program (this example is to install pandas)

    .\Scripts\pip --install --user pandas

You could find more information about this in the pip issue 4207


Pip can also be accessed programatically within python as a command (this example installs pandas):

import pip
pip.main(['install'], 'pandas')

(Source: Installing python module within code)

标签: python pip