I have a parcels table in postgresql in which the zoning and zoning_description columns are array_agg cast over to text. the new.universities table has 9 rows and I need to return 9 rows in the output.
The purpose of this query is to find all the properties these universities are located on and collapse there zoning types into 1 unique column and union/dissolve their geometries into multipolygons
select array_agg(distinct dp.zoning) zoning,array_agg(distinct dp.zoning_description) zoning_description,
uni.school name_,uni.address,'University' type_,1000 buff,st_union(dp.geom)
from new.universities uni join new.detroit_parcels_update dp
on st_intersects(st_buffer(uni.geom,-10),dp.geom)
group by name_,uni.address,type_,buff
I get this error
ERROR: cannot accumulate arrays of different dimensionality
********** Error **********
ERROR: cannot accumulate arrays of different dimensionality
SQL state: 2202E
I can do array_agg(distinct dp.zoning::text) zoning etc.. but this returns a completely messed up column with nested arrays in arrays...
Based on the answer here is my updated query which does not work
select array_agg(distinct zoning_u) zoning,array_agg(distinct zoning_description_u) zoning_description,
uni.school name_,uni.address,'University' type_,1000::int buff,st_union(dp.geom) geom
from new.detroit_parcels_update dp,unnest(zoning) zoning_u,
unnest(zoning_description) zoning_description_u
join new.universities uni
on st_intersects(st_buffer(uni.geom,-10),dp.geom)
group by name_,uni.address,type_,buff order by name_
get this error
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "dp"
LINE 6: on st_intersects(st_buffer(uni.geom,-10),dp.geom)
HINT: There is an entry for table "dp", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
********** Error **********
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "dp"
SQL state: 42P01
Hint: There is an entry for table "dp", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
Character: 373
My Final query which worked was
with t as(select dp.zoning,dp.zoning_description,uni.school name_,uni.address,'University' type_,1000::int buff,st_union(dp.geom) geom
from new.detroit_parcels_update dp
join new.universities uni
on st_intersects(st_buffer(uni.geom,-10),dp.geom)
group by name_,uni.address,type_,buff,dp.zoning,zoning_description order by name_
select name_,address,type_,buff,st_union(geom) geom,array_agg(distinct z) zoning, array_agg(distinct zd) zoning_description
from t,unnest(zoning) z,unnest(zoning_description) zd
group by name_,address,type_,buff