what I would like to achieve is to sort a colletion of objects by a string value. However in a locale dependant way using a collator. Due to performance reasons I do not want to use the Collator compare() method (as below in the code) rather the CollationKey class, as the java API states the using a CollationKey is much faster.
But how do I implement the compareTo() method using the CollationKey? As far as I understood it, I have to completely write all the comparison Methods on my own if I will be using a CollationKey. So I will even no longer be able to use the Collections.sort() methods... I am very thankfull for an example that is easy to understand and a the most efficient implementation to sort the Collection of Person objects using a CollationKey.
Thank you!
public class Person implements Comparable<Person> {
String lastname;
public int compareTo(Person person) {
//This works but it is not the best implementation for a good performance
Collator instance = Collator.getInstance(Locale.ITALY);
return instance.compare(lastname, person.lastname);
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
Person person1 = new Person("foo");
Person person2 = new Person("bar");