
Plunker with AngularJS and Typescript possible?

2019-03-28 03:17发布


I have some code I would like to ask questions about on stackoverflow. The code is written in AngularJS with Typescript, and does manipulation and watching of the $location.hash. I now have the code on github at https://github.com/svdoever/AngularJS-bookviewer. Is it possible to have this code, preferably without the compiled Typescript files, up at http://plnkr.co?

I read at https://twitter.com/filearts/status/290961349092208642 that Typescript should be suported on http://plunkr.co.


Solution by Bassarat to add a gh-pages branch to the git repository did the job. See comments on his answer.


It isn't supported by plunker. But I tend to use http://typescript.io/ when I need third party lib support (e.g. angularjs). Otherwise I just stick with TypeScript Playground http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground/


You can use TypeScript anywhere you like using https://github.com/basarat/typescript-script (plunker sample : https://github.com/basarat/typescript-script#plunker)

That said many playgrounds now support TypeScript natively including plunkr : https://github.com/ggoodman/plunker-run-plugin/blob/master/README.md (just put "use typescript"; at the top of your file and add a tsconfig.json file