
List all JIRA tasks that are not blocked by other

2019-03-27 19:40发布


Using JIRA 4.4.3,

I've created a filter that list all the tasks that: - The current user is assigned to; - are Open; - are not blocked by any other task.

To make it clear: the task that are ready for a user to work on.

We've installed the Craftforge JQL Functions plugin, and I've come with the following JQL query:

assignee = currentUser()
AND status in (Open)
AND issue NOT IN linkedIssuesFromFilter("All Issues", "Blocks", "Outward")

The problem is that when an issue that was blocking another issue is resolved, the "Blocks" link still exist -- and I don't want to delete it. But my query doesn't check if the linked issue is closed/resolved or not.

How can I add a condition "inside the IN statement" that will only return queries that are blocking the current task AND that are still OPEN.


Use this clause from http://www.j-tricks.com/jqlt-links-functions.html:

issue not in linkedIssuesInQuery("status = Open", "is blocked by")


If you have the ScriptRunner add-on, you can use it to do this:

resolution = unresolved AND assignee = currentUser() AND (issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("resolution is not empty", blocks) OR issueFunction not in hasLinks("is blocked by"))


I've created a new filter named "All active issues" that list all issues that are open, in progress or re-openned.

And I've used that new filter in my query instead of "All Issues".

Seems solved :)

标签: jira jql