I'm following the tutorial at http://www.playframework.org/documentation/2.0/JavaForms
I've created a class LoginForm.java (Instead of User.class from the example. Not a class for persisting, just a form values holder)
package domain;
import static play.data.validation.Constraints.*;
public class LoginForm {
public String email;
public String password;
And in my controller i do (as the example), but i set the values to empty Strings to try the @Required annotation.
Form<LoginForm> loginForm = form(LoginForm.class);
Map<String,String> anyData = new HashMap();
anyData.put("email", "");
anyData.put("password", "");
//Faking a post
LoginForm postedLoginForm = loginForm.bind(anyData).get();
if(loginForm.hasErrors()) {
//Just for this test task, should have another error handling..
return ok("@Required annotation kicked in..");
} else {
return ok("Got form values, email: " + postedLoginForm.email + " password: " + postedLoginForm.password);
But at:
LoginForm postedLoginForm = loginForm.bind(anyData).get();
I get an Execution exception [[IllegalStateException: No value]]
So it never checks/comes to
Does anyone know why this is? If i set the values as the example:
Map<String,String> anyData = new HashMap();
anyData.put("email", "bob@gmail.com");
anyData.put("password", "secret");
Everything works and i retrieve the LoginForm object with the correct values. Am i supposed to catch the Exception? Shouldn't play take care of that and set loginForm.hasErrors = true?
Thanks for any help!