I have modified my dashboard and tried saving it as home and I get the below message
Home Set This page has been set as your default Kibana dashboard
Still I am not able to load the modified dashboard as default dashboard, please suggest me on how to do it.
For Kibana 4. Create dashboard with name "Default".
Change default_app_id in kibana/config/kibana.yml.
# The default application to load.
default_app_id: "dashboard/Default"
And then restart kibana to apply changes
service kibana restart
With kibana 4.4.2 it's OK with
kibana.defaultAppId: "dashboard/all.dashboard"
With a dashboard named all.dashboard
If you don't want to see dashboard as a first thing when you open that is still being resolved as you can see here:
What I did is hacked our local kibana, currently dashboard route resolver looks like this (found in %kibana_installation_path%\src\core_plugins\kibana\public\dashboard
.when('/dashboard', {
template: indexTemplate,
resolve: {
dash: function (savedDashboards, config) {
return savedDashboards.get();
I just changed savedDashboards.get() -> savedDashboards.get('System-overview')
where System-overview is name of our dashboard (you can see it in url when you open your dashboard)
if you don't want to compile that change you will have to change it directly in the minified file which can be found here:
I have found the solution to show default dashboard in kibana :-
Steps :-
Copy id of the dashboard. For that go to your dashboard which you want to show as a default. At top right corner - click on SHARE after that you will see a link url something like :- http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/b55f44a0-4a78-11e7-8976-bcua7acbj?_g=()
From the url copy id after dashboard/ like in this url id is :- b55f44a0-4a78-11e7-8976-bcua7acbj
Go to kibana/config/kibana.yml file and change :-
kibana.defaultAppId: "discover" to
kibana.defaultAppId: "dashboard/b55f44a0-4a78-11e7-8976-bcua7acbj"
Now restart kibana.service :- "sudo systemctl restart kibana.service"
And it is done :)