
Camera of any emulator not working

2019-03-27 14:10发布



I am facing this issue since so long but i am able to get any kind of solution to get working camera in emulator. I have gone through all the answer of the SO but none helped me uptill now.

If i create any emulator with any api but in none of my emulator camera application does not work. So i am not able to test any of the application which contains camera functionality. I guess may be its happening because of the hardware configuration of my system. But i am not sure about it.

I do not know why this issue occurs. Please help me to solve and find out the reason for the issue.

Here is the error which i get whenever i starts camera in emulator.

12-21 00:04:58.100: E/CameraService(55): CameraService::connect X (pid 2604) rejected (invalid cameraId 0).
12-21 00:04:58.110: W/CameraBase(2604): An error occurred while connecting to camera: 0
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604): fail to connect Camera
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604): java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604):   at android.hardware.Camera.native_setup(Native Method)
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604):   at android.hardware.Camera.<init>(Camera.java:350)
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604):   at android.hardware.Camera.open(Camera.java:309)
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604):   at com.android.camera.CameraHolder.open(CameraHolder.java:131)
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604):   at com.android.camera.Util.openCamera(Util.java:267)
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604):   at com.android.camera.Camera$4.run(Camera.java:1100)
12-21 00:04:58.110: E/CameraHolder(2604):   at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
12-21 00:04:58.110: W/dalvikvm(2604): threadid=11: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0xb4a29b90)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-117
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604): Process: com.android.camera, PID: 2604
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604): java.lang.RuntimeException: openCamera failed
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at com.android.camera.Util.openCamera(Util.java:272)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at com.android.camera.Camera$4.run(Camera.java:1100)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604): Caused by: com.android.camera.CameraHardwareException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at com.android.camera.CameraHolder.open(CameraHolder.java:135)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at com.android.camera.Util.openCamera(Util.java:267)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     ... 2 more
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at android.hardware.Camera.native_setup(Native Method)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at android.hardware.Camera.<init>(Camera.java:350)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at android.hardware.Camera.open(Camera.java:309)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     at com.android.camera.CameraHolder.open(CameraHolder.java:131)
12-21 00:04:58.120: E/AndroidRuntime(2604):     ... 3 more

Below are the options which i get while i am trying to edit emulator.



I have resolved my issue by changing the emulators "Back Camera" property to Emulated as shown in screenshot.


Open Tools->Android->AVD Manager then click edit for your virtual device.Click Show Advanced Settings on your virtual device configuration window.Then camera settings field is turned on,select Emulated Front and Back.That is it.


There is no declaration about Camera in limitation of Emulator in doc.

You can Enable camera in Emulator.But emulator wont show a realtime camera regardless.

As of Android SDK version 14, the emulator supports webcams to simulate a camera:

General notes - Added webcam support to Android 4.0 or later platforms to emulate rear-facing cameras when one webcam is present, and to emulate both rear-facing and front-facing cameras when two webcams are present. Webcam suport is for Windows and Linux only. Mac support will come in a later release.


I'm using Android Studio 3.1.1 in ubuntu 16.04 and had the same issue.
So after couple of days googling, finally solved my problem by myself. The Solution was:

  1. Edit the AVD and set the Emulated Performance/Graphics from Automatic to Software - GLES 1.1.
  2. Changed the SD Card size to 256 MB.
  3. Set only one of camera (e.g. Front) to webcam0 and other one to none or emulated.

Hope this helps others with the same problem.


From the android documentation:

Emulator Limitations

No support for camera/video capture In other words, no, you cannot access or preview the camera in the emulator.