jquery plugin Datatable :using rowspan in tbody ca

2019-03-27 14:02发布


I am using one jQuery plug-in called DataTables:


The plugin doesn't support rowspan in tbody

<tr class="colorrow">   
    <td id="greater" rowspan="3">TMMS</td> 
    <td>Case Volume</td> 

Is there any other solution for this?




Try this. Just apply css "display:none;" where you want to apply rowspan.

<table id="example">
<tr class="colorrow">   
    <td id="greater" rowspan="3">TMMS</td> 
    <td>Case Volume</td> 
<tr class="colorrow">   
    <td style="display: none;">TMMS</td> 
    <td>Case Volume</td> 
<tr class="colorrow">   
    <td style="display: none;">TMMS</td> 
    <td>Case Volume</td> 

Put same script for datatable.

<script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function() {


The fnFakeRowspan function on the datatables.net website wasn't working well for me. Instead, I wrote a new version:


To use it, add data-rowspan="XXX" and data-hide="true" attributes to your cells, like this:

<table id="table">
    <td data-rowspan="2">-</td>
    <td data-hide="true">-</td>

Ideally this script would automatically calculate which cells to hide, but I had that info already, so didn't write that into this script.

Then call it as usual:



You can hide the cells and add rowspan attributes after the redraw of the table

in the configuration add the parameter drawCallback :

"drawCallback": function ( settings ) {

Then expose the callback function

 * drawCallback
 * launch after search
 * @param {Object} api - dataTable().api()
 * @param {bool} isMobile
function drawCallback(api) {
   var rows = api.rows( {page:'current'} ).nodes(),
       settings = {
            "COLUMN_THEME" : 1,
            "COLUMN_SUBTHEME" : 3

        mergeCells(rows, settings.COLUMN_THEME);
        mergeCells(rows, settings.COLUMN_SUBTHEME);

then the function to collapse

 * mergeCells
 * Merges cells with the same wording
 * @param {Object} api - dataTable().api()
 * @param {Array} rows - array of selected TR element
 * @param {Number} rowIndex - index of column
function mergeCells(rows, rowIndex) {

    var last = null,
        currentRow = null,
        k = null,
        gNum = 0,
        refLine = null;

    rows.each( function (line, i) {
        currentRow = line.childNodes[rowIndex];

        if ( last === currentRow.innerText ) {
            currentRow.setAttribute('style', 'display: none');

            return; //leave early

        last = currentRow.innerText;

        if ( i > 0 ) {
            rows[refLine].childNodes[rowIndex].rowSpan = ++k;

        k = 0; refLine = i;          

    // for the last group
    rows[refLine].childNodes[rowIndex].rowSpan = ++k;