I use logstash to store log files containing the speed of vehicles over time.
In Kibana 3, how can I generate a panel which displays a value over time, i.e. the x axis displays the time and the y axis the related value, e.g. vehicle speed.
Most panels I found count the occurrence of events in a given time span and display it on the y axis. My goal however is to directly print a value from the json log entry (wheelSpeed_m_s), which looks as follows:
"_index": "logstash-2013.05.07",
"_type": "vehicle_odometry",
"_id": "Q3b58Pi7RUKuPon0s_ihlA",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"message": " ",
"wheelSpeed_m_s": 0.91,
"@timestamp": "2013-05-07T17:50:04.099+02:00",
"angularVelocity_rad_s": 0,
"type": "vehicle_odometry",
"@version": "1",
"ts_ms": 1367934604099
Any help is highly appreciated.